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I just finished a fun read and I recommend it. It is titled, Dancing With A Cowboy,

by Sandi K. Whipple. This is her third book in the last year or two. She is in her 60s and recently started writing. She is a friend of a friend.

The story has two main characters you will really like. Lucy is a dynamic lawyer in the big city and her father, the managing partner of the law office, insists she take some R and R.

He signs her up for a two week stay at a working ranch. She thought she was going to a ranch/resort/spa.

What takes place in those two weeks is delightful to read.

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Re: I just finished a fun read and I recommend it. It is titled, Dancing With A Cowboy,

Is it fiction or non-fiction?

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Posts: 20,738
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Re: I just finished a fun read and I recommend it. It is titled, Dancing With A Cowboy,

I went in and read amazon's report on this book and it does sound good. I'm not really into fiction, but I'd give this one a whirl. The author is retired, so maybe I'd really enjoy her point of view. The report said, they laughed through a lot of the book. Sounds like I'd enjoy this one. Thanks for bringing it up.

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Registered: ‎05-15-2010

Re: I just finished a fun read and I recommend it. It is titled, Dancing With A Cowboy,

On 11/4/2014 ValuSkr said:

Is it fiction or non-fiction?

ValuSkr, it is fiction.

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Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: I just finished a fun read and I recommend it. It is titled, Dancing With A Cowboy,

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,742
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I just finished a fun read and I recommend it. It is titled, Dancing With A Cowboy,

Sounds like a fun summer read! Thanks for your review!

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Re: I just finished a fun read and I recommend it. It is titled, Dancing With A Cowboy,