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Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

Such a heartwarming video!


This is the tear-jerking moment a young baby smiles in delight after seeing his mother clearly for the first time in his life.


Baby Leopold, who lives with his parents near Seattle, Washington, suffers with a rare disorder called oculocutaneous albinism.


The condition affects the color of a person's hair, skin and eyes and means that the youngster is unable to see properly


In the video Leopold has a pair of glasses pulled down over his head by his mother and is given the opportunity to see for the first time.


After a momentary bit of confusion as the spectacles are placed on him, he looks up at his mother who says: 'Hi honey'.


He makes eye-contact with her and then immediately reacts by smiling.


The response is met with gasps of surprise and delight from the other people in the room and a male voice can be heard saying: 'Oh he's smiling'.


The youngster's mother then readjusts the glasses so that they sit better before staring into her son's eyes.


He looks down for a bit, while allowing his eyes to adjust to what must be a very strange sensation, before looking back up.


The video concludes with him focusing on his mother and beaming with delight. He even begins giggling as she continues to talk to him.


According to the NHS, a person with oculocutaneous albinism is missing the pigment from their irises, which is the colored part of the eye.


This can lead to a number of eye conditions, including impaired vision and sensitivity to light.

There you are! The young baby makes eye-contact with his mother and immediately reacts by smiling

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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

I won't lie....I cried.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

[ Edited ]

@KingstonsMom, just so precious! Thanks for sharing (and, yes, this was a long post that I DID read!) Heart

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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

@KingstonsMom wrote:

I won't lie....I cried.

Me too.  Oh how precious.  Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!


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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!



So touching! 


Thanks for posting it Smiley Happy

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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

@MaggieMack wrote:

@KingstonsMom, just so precious! Thanks for sharing (and, yes, this was a long post that I DID read!) Heart



LOL! I thought about the length when I posted it, so I put plenty of paragraphs!

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

I guess it is kind of a long post but I didn't notice it until @MaggieMack mentioned it.  It's set up with paragraph breaks and an interesting topic.


Great story!!!

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Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

That was great IG. Thank you for sharing. 

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,839
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Cutest Video! Baby sees Mom for first time w/glasses!

I saw that on facebook and cried my eyes out! Bless his little heart.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles