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@ValuSkr wrote:

A lit match??  Be careful, don't hurt yourself!

@ValuSkr @KitTkat  Yes. I heard this is the best and most effective way to get in All out! The tick will actually back out.

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Never had good luck using tweezers, plus you can end up only removing part of the tick. The oil worked like a charm for me.

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I don't have the eyesisght to see the tick's head, much less grasp it in the neck.  I scrape the (*&%$ out and treat the area with alcohol.  Cover with band-aid if you have exposed a raw area.  As far as letting the skin heal over the head, yuk.  We are in heavy tick area and I get a few each summer.  I used to get Lyme disease test at the end of each summer, but it takes 6 weeks for test to register, so wait that long if you are worried.  Check with your doctor, that advice may have changed.  Your alternative is to coat yourelf with a deet containing bug spray each time you go outside.  I choose not to do that.

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Faint, cry, throw up, and maybe someone will get it off for you to shut you up.  Worked for me when I was a kid!  Worked every time!


SO sorry you got this.  They are disgusting.  Best wishes!  

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Have it professionally removed by your Dr or a dermatologist.


I had a tick.

I couldn't reach it, or even see it without a mirror.  It was removed by a hunter who had lots of experience removing ticks.


But evidently a tiny portion of the tick's mouth parts remained embedded deep in me.


  Start of vicious cycle:

Whenever I asked about having it removed, if it wasn't flaring up and abcessing, the Docs didn't want to disturb it. But then they couldn't remove it when all the tissue in a 3" diameter around it was flaring in hot, angry abcess, which happened every 2-3 years.


This speck of foreign matter remained embedded in me for 25 years and caused a great deal of pain and trouble.

So please have someone with the proper tools remove it right.

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I would get medical help for that. 


Wear a mask, gloves and glasses (safety glasses, if you have them).


Don't try to get it, it's in a bad spot.

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To Hedge:  I would insist they remove it.  This sounds like something else is going on, but the only way to prove it is to get that thing out of you.  Minor, minor surgery.  

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 Thank you all for your suggestions and replies. I tried vegetable oil, as that's all I have, but it's still in there. I can't see it good enough to try to tweezer it out. I've successfully removed ticks on my cats before, but that's a different scenario. I'll probably be heading in to the walk in clinic sometime soon because @x Hedge knows from experience. Thanks again.

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IDK, what about butter?

Butter My Butt Call Me Biscuit T-shirt Square Car by MissThree ...

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If you have any precious hand sanitizer, you can try putting that on it, liberally.  The gel should help to smother the tick, the alcohol should help to disinfect.


However, if you can't get the tick out by yourself, please do get someone competent to do so ASAP.  The longer the tick stays alive and imbedded, the more chance you have of contracting a tick borne illness.