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Families, when I was a kid, seemed to be more inclined, to do their civic duty, and be  good neighbor , than they are now. They also did it without moaning and whingeing about it


What a nation of spoiled brats we seem to have become

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: I guess my age is showing

[ Edited ]

Very true!  I remember, in elementary school, being graded for citizenship.  Times have surely changed. 

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Re: I guess my age is showing

Amen! And it's because we wanted them to not have it as rough as we did.  What were we thinking?  LOL

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: I guess my age is showing

[ Edited ]

I saw things changing immensly once self esteem became the top priority for the young ones. 3 in my family were school teachers and every one of them quit and changed professions.


I was a referee in Youth Hockey and a few years after this nonsense about self esteem became more important than the game itself? The kids changed as did their respect for authority in the games.


They were "owed" a trophy win or lose. A few years after this "revilation" took hold, I decided to referee Adult Only hockey games only. Youth Hockey kids and their parents were more than I  wanted to deal with in something I previously really enjoyed.



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Re: I guess my age is showing

[ Edited ]

Yes, I know mine is showing a lot lately!  But, if you promise not to tell anyone, I'll tell you that some of our schools still have citienship awards.  Not everyone in the class gets an award, but then we are behind the times here.  


If you grew up during WWII you would really understand what citizenship and love of country mean. Sadly, those days seem to be gone forever.  A bigger loss than many have yet to realize.

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Re: I guess my age is showing

Can relate easily.  Taught school for over 30 years and by the end everyone had to be recognized and rewarded.  Even  got called down because I denied a kid a field trip... he never did any work, failed, was argumentative, pushed and punched his way around, swore, and even took a swipe at me but HE HAD TO BE ALLOWED TO GO TO A ALTERNATIVE NON REQUIRED TRIP AS A REWARD  FOR THOSE WHO HAD DONE THE RIGHT THING BY POINTS.  


My older neighbors are respectful, friendly, helpful.  The younger ones moving in do as they please noise and all, defying building codes as  well, without a care in the world.  Now I know why people move into a 55 and up community.  


I will add to be fair I have found some people of all ages that are doing the right thing by others.  They are just harder to find most  days.  

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Re: I guess my age is showing

There are lots of examples of  bad citizenship. the latest being vacinations for children. I wonder how many of the people moaning about it,Smiley Wink smoke pot or do drugs?  Bring back the draft it would do some people a world of good

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Registered: ‎06-03-2010

Re: I guess my age is showing

The schools here still give citizenship student in each class every month gets the grand daughter got it on three different months during this last school year...........this however, is a very conservative and patriotic community......................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: I guess my age is showing

@cherry wrote:

Families, when I was a kid, seemed to be more inclined, to do their civic duty, and be  good neighbor , than they are now. They also did it without moaning and whingeing about it


What a nation of spoiled brats we seem to have become

It's all about Me! Me! Me!

People want their "liberty"and "freedom" - even when it;s reckless, irresponsible and not based in facts.

We should be a SOCIETY and a COMMUNITY - not a bunch of individuals with no interaction or interest in one another.

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Posts: 20,255
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: I guess my age is showing

My age has been showing for quite a while now!  I have to agree with all the points that all of you have made.


I vowed when I was young that I wouldn't be/talk/act like my parents when I got their age.  Well, I've become them!  I guess every generation goes through this as they age, but it does seem like so many things in our world have been changing at a much more rapid rate than ever before.  I think this is what makes it harder to accept and adapt.


I like to think that I'm pretty open-minded, but I just don't see a lot of common sense out there anymore.