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Registered: ‎04-30-2012

I thought I was done with school at 71 but I find myself back in Kindergarten again. Now some may say I needed to start all over again Woman LOL   


Well the truth is that I am helping my 5 yo grandson who just started virtual Kindergarten this year. My daughter works from home due to covid and because this is not like virtual preschool was last year when she could handle it  I get up early, drive to her home and I'm in my seat with my grandson sitting next to me in front of the laptop waiting for school to start at 8:30 am. Today via zoom the teacher read a book called 

"No David !" about a little boy who was always in trouble including picking his nose, running outside naked, breaking a vase etc but in the end his mom hugged him and told him she loved him.   Cute book !


So I think I am going to enjoy repeating Kindergarten  although by the time I get home at about 2:45 after school is out for the day I find myself ready for a nap !  I think my grandson loves having me there so I will not be a kindergarten dropout

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Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

That sounds like so much fun! Enjoy these times. They grow up so fast.

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Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

Your grandson is SO fortunate to have you.  Bless you!

Posts: 58
Registered: ‎02-13-2013

Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

Thank you! What a great story. Hope you have lots of fun.

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Registered: ‎04-03-2016

Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

I wish you both many treasured moments and memories.  You are a brave grandma. 😀

Valued Contributor
Posts: 802
Registered: ‎07-17-2019

Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

You are too cute!! Love that book. You can follow up with David Goes to School, also by David Shannon.


It took me ten years to move up from kindergarten but I was the teacher! Loved every minute of it. But word of warning, kindergarten is much more academic, more like first grade was in the mid1950's.

Enjoy every minute with your grandson. They grow up fast. My middle granddaughter goes to kdgn next year. She can't wait!

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Posts: 9,739
Registered: ‎05-19-2012

Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

[ Edited ]

What a wonderful grandmother (and mother!) you are.  


Ah, kindergarten and kindergartners hold a special place in my heart.  It is a beautiful time in a child's life and will be in yours, too, as you experience it again.


I'd love to have your experience. 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,312
Registered: ‎04-30-2012

Re: I am back in Kindergarten!



You are too cute!! Love that book. You can follow up with David Goes to School, also by David Shannon.


It took me ten years to move up from kindergarten but I was the teacher! Loved every minute of it. But word of warning, kindergarten is much more academic, more like first grade was in the mid1950's.

Enjoy every minute with your grandson. They grow up fast. My middle granddaughter goes to kdgn next year. She can't wait!


Thank you for being a teacher ! Much appreciation for your dedication !  I have to laugh at these little ones some who can't stop talking and constantly have something to tell the teacher and my hats off to her trying to teach on zoom !  She is constantly asking some children to mute themselves so she could give directions to the class. One child was actually lying across his bed during the class today and I don't understand why the parent was allowing him to do that. I guess maybe they didn't know everyone in the class could fully see the child on the zoom camera.  This will be an interesting school year for ME !! But I love being there for my grandson and every morning he tells me he's so glad I came back and gives me a hug. How could I not go back ?   I will just take my afternoon nap when I get home Woman LOL   

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

@Goodie2shoes ...Bless you Goodie2shoes, you are exactly what grandmas are and do.  Your grandson will always remember how Grandma went to school with him.

I applaud you for being the loving Grandma you are and just remember to take care of yourself in the interim.

By the way, it sounds as though you are enjoying kindergarten. Woman LOLHeart

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Posts: 19,078
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: I am back in Kindergarten!

Grandmothers get a special place in heaven!

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