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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

Not sure when you are going to Vegas but:

1. Do take a coat, it may not be super cold, but it can get windy there.

2. If it is just you and DH, don't worry about rewearing an outfit, most times you will probably be out all day and not changing more than once.

3. Again, you can wear the same (dressy, if you are taking one) outfit to two different places, no one will know.

4. Have Fun!!!!!!

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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

On 1/13/2015 itsmetoo said:

Take half as many clothes as you think you will need and twice as much money!

Truer words have never been spoken!!!!!
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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

Madison - who knew?
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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

I was on the road for many years traveling for work nearly every week - all week.

Here are a few odd tips worth considering:

Never pack anything valuable or prescription medicine in checked bags (I had my Rx stolen from a TSA locked bag). If you do have any prescriptions, be sure you carry them in the original bottle from the drug store. I tried to down-size and carry them in a pill box once and ran into trouble because they do not know what the meds are and/or if the drugs are really yours or if you are a “druggie”. Made for a very awkward situation!

Pick a color theme and stick with it – like earth tones, or red, white & blue, or black & white, etc. Then you can have your purse and shoes go with everything and the parts are interchangeable to make many outfits out of few pieces. Like was mentioned already, roll your clothes, don’t fold.

Always take no less than two pair of shoes; your feet need a change to feel better. But fill those shoes up with little/soft items so you make use of the space.

If your house is empty, never tweet or post on Facebook that you are gone and having a great time. It is an open invitation to be robbed while you are away. Share your fun news & pictures upon your return.

Keep your itinerary, your room key, etc. in one place all the time. That way you always know where to find it quickly. They don’t have to be together, just always in the same place.

This goes for anywhere – even at home, but keep a sheet of paper in your purse with emergency information, insurance information, emergency contacts, any medicines you are currently taking and amounts, any information you would want known if you were in need of help. Make it easy for strangers to help you quickly if the need arises.

Take some Dixie cups....NEVER drink out of the glasses in the hotel room. They just rinse them and wipe them with the dirty towel....the do not go through the dishwasher to get clean. Yuck! Those glasses on the maid's cart are new, to replace broken ones. And like was mentioned before, take those disinfected wipes and wipe down the TV remote, the door knobs, toilet flusher, phone, etc. All those type of things are filthy with germs.

Examine your bed for bed bugs before you get into it. Even the best hotels can have bed bug problems.

Keep anything you don't need immediately (including your toothbrush) locked in your suitcase.

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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

I forgot to mention, never ever set your purse down (or hang it on your chair, etc.) in Las Vegas…not even for a second – ‘cause that is all it takes to be gone. Women often set their purses down at the slots or tables and then get engrossed in the game – paying no attention to their purse. Poof it is gone! Also, Las Vegas is notorious for having people stage little scenes where someone innocent looking drops their chips on the floor and they count on a kind someone to jump in to help. Then they (they actually are a small group of thieves standing around like tourists) snatch your purse and run off, figuring most of the tourists have lots of cash on them, especially in casinos. Be ten times more cautious and less trusting than usual.

I don’t mean to scare you, just be extra cautious and still have tons of fun!

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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

Don't over pack! Use a fanny pack. They can rip off a cross-body bag.

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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

Oops…. more thoughts…

If you don’t go with a fanny pack, don’t use a shoulder bag that stays behind you and out of sight. Lots of pick pockets & skimmers in the crowds.

If you do not have RFID in your wallet for credit cards, fold a piece of tin foil (like Reynolds Wrap) into a V-shape and rest your wallet in that as a shield. When you take your wallet out, just leave the foil in your bag and then rest the wallet back into the foil when you are done. This should help prevent anyone from scanning/skimming important information off of your credit cards.

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Re: I Need Tricks and Tips from Savvy Travelers

On 1/18/2015 missy1 said:

Don't over pack! Use a fanny pack. They can rip off a cross-body bag.

I travel a lot and I just cannot use a fanny pack. NOTHING screams tourist like a fanny pack, particularly when you are digging for money.

I use a cross body bag or a tote, tucked under my arm. I always hold onto my bag. Local ladies, particularly in Europe are likely to use beautiful leather bags.