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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

On 2/5/2015 dooBdoo said:
On 2/5/2015 NoelSeven said:
On 2/5/2015 dooBdoo said:

Wow. I saw nothing but positive comments on that thread. I offered my thanks, didn't say anything negative. And didn't see anything negative from the others, so I'm confused as to what the "not so nice things" might have been. Yet we see the angry, disruptive threads and comments standing for days and days. I gave up understanding the moderation a long time ago, but I'd love to know who felt it necessary to report the thread and try to bring it to the moderator's attention.

Anyway, my thanks to all of you for the kind words, and right back atcha!Smile

I haven't looked at the Wilson thread, dbd. Some just aren't worth it, but when science is twisted and ridiculed, that gets me.

It gets me, too, Noel. Hard to know when it's worth it to jump in and join the discussion.

I've noticed a pattern. Beginning comments are usually pretty good. Valid observations and facts, some who disagree politely. The longer it goes on, the greater the chance it will quickly disintegrate with the arrival of new participants and nics whose only interest is destruction of the thread or inane comments.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

I made GENERIC mention of threads which were troubling but never mentioned any specific thread or any specific poster. Perhaps this, an assumption of whomever I was supposedly talking about, was why some poster/s reported the thread and got it deleted.

I didn't do anything wrong, nor did anybody else, and it was about a thousand times more benign than the stuff that is posted, without challenge, on this board every day. It's just shame that there are those (and I don't know who those are so, clearly, I'm not talking about any one individual) who cannot stand to even see the POV of others who are not in complete agreement with them at every turn. I have to say that there is probably not any one poster here with whom I have not agreed or disagreed at any given time. That's what it's like in the grown up world. You can disagree with some and still get along famously with them. It's not like a 3rd grade playground. Well, it shouldn't be.

I certainly didn't say anything about Caravaggio, nor did anybody else.

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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

On 2/5/2015 NoelSeven said:
I've noticed a pattern. Beginning comments are usually pretty good. Valid observations and facts, some who disagree politely. The longer it goes on, the greater the chance it will quickly disintegrate with the arrival of new participants and nics whose only interest is destruction of the thread or inane comments.

I suppose my comments could be construed as inane, but I am very, very tired of seeing my posts disappear whenever scotttie and/or croemer are around. It has happened far too often to be a coincidence. I really have just about reached the end of my plank with VPs.

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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

dbd, I saw your post. Trust me, your posts are always well written and NOT inflammatory.

chickenbutt, I saw your post. Thank you for the kind words.

I just got back here and I realized the thread was gone.

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

On 2/5/2015 Georgie the 5th said:
On 2/5/2015 NoelSeven said:
I've noticed a pattern. Beginning comments are usually pretty good. Valid observations and facts, some who disagree politely. The longer it goes on, the greater the chance it will quickly disintegrate with the arrival of new participants and nics whose only interest is destruction of the thread or inane comments.

I suppose my comments could be construed as inane, but I am very, very tired of seeing my posts disappear whenever scotttie and/or croemer are around. It has happened far too often to be a coincidence. I really have just about reached the end of my plank with VPs.

I have never seen an inane comment from you.

I am talking about, after seeing a well reasoned and factual post, someone comes on, quotes it and says, "None of that is true." And that's all they say.

No well-reasoned rebuttal, they might as well say "Duh."

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?


BTW, I know what you mean, it happens to me, too.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

On 2/5/2015 Georgie the 5th said:
On 2/5/2015 NoelSeven said:
I've noticed a pattern. Beginning comments are usually pretty good. Valid observations and facts, some who disagree politely. The longer it goes on, the greater the chance it will quickly disintegrate with the arrival of new participants and nics whose only interest is destruction of the thread or inane comments.

I suppose my comments could be construed as inane, but I am very, very tired of seeing my posts disappear whenever scotttie and/or croemer are around. It has happened far too often to be a coincidence. I really have just about reached the end of my plank with VPs.

Georgie...........if you're implying that scottie and/or croemer are somehow getting your posts's NOT their style.........they may disagree with you, that may state that they disagree with you and you can bet EACH and EVERY TIME, they will do that in a polite manner..........and as far as I know, they aren't button not to point a finger or lay blame unless you know something with 100% certainty..........maybe the mod just doesn't like your approach to a discussion.........................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

On 2/5/2015 NoelSeven said:


BTW, I know what you mean, it happens to me, too.

You handle it better than I do. I let my uber sarcastic persona loose instead of remaining cool, calm and collected.

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Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

On 2/5/2015 raven-blackbird said:
On 2/5/2015 Georgie the 5th said:
On 2/5/2015 NoelSeven said:
I've noticed a pattern. Beginning comments are usually pretty good. Valid observations and facts, some who disagree politely. The longer it goes on, the greater the chance it will quickly disintegrate with the arrival of new participants and nics whose only interest is destruction of the thread or inane comments.

I suppose my comments could be construed as inane, but I am very, very tired of seeing my posts disappear whenever scotttie and/or croemer are around. It has happened far too often to be a coincidence. I really have just about reached the end of my plank with VPs.

Georgie...........if you're implying that scottie and/or croemer are somehow getting your posts's NOT their style.........they may disagree with you, that may state that they disagree with you and you can bet EACH and EVERY TIME, they will do that in a polite manner..........and as far as I know, they aren't button not to point a finger or lay blame unless you know something with 100% certainty..........maybe the mod just doesn't like your approach to a discussion.........................................raven

I disagree completely................................not once, twice, even three times but every time I post on a controversial topic and those two are present, my posts disappear. Even my very innocuous comment today to cromer "You're funny." was eliminated. So unless you are also 100% certain, give me the right to my opinion.

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Posts: 20,135
Registered: ‎10-04-2011

Re: I Missed It, Is She Alright?

On 2/5/2015 Georgie the 5th said:
On 2/5/2015 NoelSeven said:
I've noticed a pattern. Beginning comments are usually pretty good. Valid observations and facts, some who disagree politely. The longer it goes on, the greater the chance it will quickly disintegrate with the arrival of new participants and nics whose only interest is destruction of the thread or inane comments.

I suppose my comments could be construed as inane, but I am very, very tired of seeing my posts disappear whenever scotttie and/or croemer are around. It has happened far too often to be a coincidence. I really have just about reached the end of my plank with VPs.

Please don't let anyone stop you from posting.


You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.