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So, the doorbell rings and I was in the basement so I didn't get to the door right away. Anyhow it was UPS, I open the door, the driver was there (he startled me I thought he would have just left it). He says it needs a signature, he'll sign for me. What's the sense in that, if it needs a signature shouldn't it be signed by me ( I got the impression he was going to leave it either way)?

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Re: I Don’t Get This

[ Edited ]



One of my regular deliveries requires a signature. I prefer they sign for me, which is an option.


Everyone handles that device and electronic pen, and I'd rather not touch it.

Last one that made me sign stood over my shoulder breathing on me.



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I believe it has something to do with Covid.  I had that scenario not too long ago.

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Covid procedures have them sign in your presence, have had the same thing happen at the pharmacy.  Seems silly but these are silly times....

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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When we get wine delivered the UPS guy always signs for us. As long as someone over 21 opens the door he's good. This happened even before Covid. 

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had to "sign" for wine the other came via fedex.

i think i definitely look over 21, so he just asked for my first name and put it into his handheld electronic device.

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Not quite the same, but just last week when the cashier at the supermarket rang up a bottle of wine, my receipt showed he/she had asked proof of age -  nary a word had been spoken

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@millieshops wrote:

Not quite the same, but just last week when the cashier at the supermarket rang up a bottle of wine, my receipt showed he/she had asked proof of age -  nary a word had been spoken

@millieshops  When you look old, they just let you pass....

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The only problem with the driver signing for an item they drop is that  If the item is stolen from someone's porch after they sign for it . The signature  clear  the driver that the item was delivered but it might be a sticky wicket if you have to file a complaint  abt not receiving an item .

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@SeaMaiden    I don't remember ever being carded -  not even the first time I had a drink in a public place before I was of drinking age.