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Time and time again I see posts on all the boards from people complaining about QVCs programming.

So how often do you watch Q? Im just wondering because I don't watch much at all anymore but when I did if I saw (for instance) endless handbags or say jewelry I don't like I flipped channels.

So I am picturing this. There are lots of people who maybe only watch QVC since they don't like it if something like computers, electronics or an all day food event is on. (and by the way I happened to have liked watching computer and electronics more than some other programming others here like

So yes we all like different things. I just don't get that its a big deal if you don't like something when there are 500 other channels? Do you only watch QVC?

(Please don't argue, Im being serious when Im asking this question and am not trying to insult anyone because maybe there are people that only watch shopping channels?).

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

I'm kind of sporadic in my watching. I rarely watch on weekday mornings, and hardly ever watch in the evenings unless there's something specific I want to see. I'll watch off and on in the afternoons, depending on what's being shown. On Saturdays, I watch Leah's show and that's about it. Sundays, bits and pieces of ITKWD.

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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

I watch A.M. Style and that's about it. I used to watch the JBK shows if I was around. It's not even good for background noise when I'm doing other things like grading papers or making dinner. The carnival barkers on the Q make it more pleasant to watch the news or something less noisy.

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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

I don't watch QVC to be watching it, I sometimes flip through to see what is being offered, but then switch back to whatever else I was watching. If I am looking for a particular item, I go online.

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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

Shorty - I don't have cable so sometimes the pickins are thin TV wise at my house Smile. 9 times out of 10, when the channel is on HSN or QVC, it's for background noise.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

I never watch QVC programming, haven't for probably 11-12 years or so. If somebody says look at so and so's hair or clothes or something, I will click on Watch Live but I don't shop at the Q so have no reason to watch their programming.

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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

hardly ever.

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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

I only watch when there is something I want to order.

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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

Hardly ever, but I'd like to. I used to watch a lot, back in the fun days. The days of the more varied programming. I'd intentionally tune in for the 50 in 50. I'd intentionally watch the American craft shows with Phyllis George. I'd tune in on Sunday nights for "The Gift Shop". I'd turn QVC on for the Tiffany lamp shows. I'd faithfully watch all 4 hours of Silver Style at 8:00 AM on Sunday mornings. You couldn't pry the remote from my hands on Big Bonanza Silver Day. Those were the days.

I'd LOVE to watch QVC now, but when I find myself with a little extra time and think "I know, I'll turn on QVC and see what's going on", every time I turn it on, it's the $400 blender thing, the sleep number bed, a computer or Wen, Philosophy or an hour of Lazy Boy. I don't have the attention span for it and I turn the channel.

May was Dell Days. It seemed that every time I turned QVC on, there was Dell. This month it's Wen.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: How often do you watch QVC?

On 6/8/2014 minkbunny said:

I never watch QVC programming, haven't for probably 11-12 years or so. If somebody says look at so and so's hair or clothes or something, I will click on Watch Live but I don't shop at the Q so have no reason to watch their programming.

minky....have a question.....if you don't watch the Q or purchase anything from them, then why do you use their boards to chit chat with others.....????? Do you think that is really fair to the Q?????