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How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

on the floor with your dinner on it?

I was looking forward to my nice porkchop, gravy and salad today. I was coming around the corner and for some reason I bent over and watched my whole plate hit the carpet.

I think that's the first time I've ever dropped a whole dinner. A cookie maybe once or twice. 5 second rule

I could cry! I was cleaning up the mess and couldn't find the porkchop and hoped the kitties didn't get it but I found it in the trashcan.

No way to save any of it. 

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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

@luvmyteddy4.  So sorry for you lost plate.  I never did that but would cry if I did since I only rarely cook real food these days.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

I dropped a WHOLE ROAST once.    So, I rinsed it off, and put it back on the platter.     

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

@luvmyteddy4, you are not alone. I have done it more than once. Last time it was a plate of lasagna all over the carpet.

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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

I have never dropped a dinner plate or any plate of food, but I dump my drink a few times a month.


My husband insists on watching TV in the dark with the light on from the TV.  I dump the drink over while trying to locate the glass.


The last time I did it was last evening, and the glass was full.  I am thinking about using a sippy cup.

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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

I slipped on some stairs while trying to hold on to a tray full of food at a restaurant one time. Plates with food went flyin' as I tried to conceal my embarrassment in a room full of people. 🫢😮😐

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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

I dropped the Thanksgiving turkey once bc it was too heavy for me to lift out of the oven & balance it. I tossed it in the trash, & we had turkey for Christmas that year instead.


I did drop my full dinner plate on the dining room tile floor once. It was on purpose. That's all I'll say about that.

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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

@luvmyteddy4 wrote:

on the floor with your dinner on it?

I was looking forward to my nice porkchop, gravy and salad today. I was coming around the corner and for some reason I bent over and watched my whole plate hit the carpet.

I think that's the first time I've ever dropped a whole dinner. A cookie maybe once or twice. 5 second rule

I could cry! I was cleaning up the mess and couldn't find the porkchop and hoped the kitties didn't get it but I found it in the trashcan.

No way to save any of it. 



Oh that stinks, so sorry that happened.


Could it have been your wrist?  I was just thinking how after 17 months since breaking my ankle that it's only been a few months where I feel it is stable again and pretty much back to pre-break.  That's over a year for me to feel normal and confident when walking, climbing stairs etc.

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Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

@luvmyteddy4 wrote:

on the floor with your dinner on it?

I was looking forward to my nice porkchop, gravy and salad today. I was coming around the corner and for some reason I bent over and watched my whole plate hit the carpet.

I think that's the first time I've ever dropped a whole dinner. A cookie maybe once or twice. 5 second rule

I could cry! I was cleaning up the mess and couldn't find the porkchop and hoped the kitties didn't get it but I found it in the trashcan.

No way to save any of it. 




Drop a plate of food?  Never.   I always place my plate, side dishes, linens and silverware on a gorgeous tray.  I have a few and like to use different ones in different seasons.


Sometimes I remove it all on the table and sometimes, if watching a show, leave it all on the tray.   This is what I've done when there are animals underfoot, and I prefer to avoid accidents.


There are some very pretty trays out there.  

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Registered: ‎09-04-2010

Re: How many times have you dropped your dinner plate

funny stories!

I had my plate on one of those silicone plates and I bent over to do something and I guess I forgot the plate was in my hand. lol

I eat in bed so...that's my story

I rarely cook a whole meal either. My neighbor gave me the porkchop yesterday to cook.