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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

@I am still oxox  Be careful walking out on your Rheumatologist. What happens if you need refills on your meds and haven't kept your regular appointments? He/she may not approve the medication. They are some of the busiest physicians! Autoimmune diseases have increased over recent years and I imagine his/her practice has blossomed. There simply are not enough physicians for all of us who need their help and have so many questions. Be glad he/she takes the time to answer your questions when you have them! Next time, take a good book and wait patiently. 

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

My doctor schedules patients every 15 minutes, which isn't always enough time with the doctor, hence the running late. What they should do, but won't,  is leave 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon free as a way to catch up or squeeze in someone with an emergency.

@Jordan2, that may not be up to the doctor. So many doctor's work for a particular practice or group and they have no control over their schedule.  I know in my area, The Cleveland Clinic requires that doctors' appointments be booked every 15 minutes.  That was a huge bone of contention with many of them because it's not enough time.  I had a belove ob/gyn that quit over it.  In order for the Clinic to pay a portion of her malpractice insurance, she was required to see X number of patients.  On her own, she couldn't afford the insurance.      

@Lipstickdiva, this isn't the case with my doctor, the practice is his, he does have an associate ( it is a large healthy practice). I believe the doctors have no clue as to how the front office is run, nor do they care to. Some of the staff at times ( some are still there others not) aren't always so nice or accommodating. My mother says she will tell the doctor, I always tell her don't bother, he probably doesn't want to know.

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I wait as long as it takes to see the doctor.I take a book and read while I wait.

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I find it not only depends on the type of doctor but also the ego of the doctor as well as the facility that owns the doctor vs being independent.


The worst waiting times have always been for specialists that work at well known hospitals. Not only is the wait at least an hour and half (no matter WHAT time you schedule the appointment), the doctor is also usually rude. I've talked to other parents/patients about this over the years and we've all agreed that you tolerate this in order to get the "best". Hence the reason I used the word "ego". 


My ob/gyn has kept me (and others) waiting for hours (and we were given the option of rescheduling each time). In this case, no issue. She's assisting with a delivery or an emergency. I've been there, done that and she was fantastic every time. Knowing the type and level of care is the reason I've stayed and wouldn't want her to change anything so....not an issue.


My sons' neurologist runs on schedule almost to the minute. They don't over book and allow a full 2 hours per patient per visit. He's at Duke. VERY different from Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic. Mayo is a different breed completely and time never appeared to be an issue as well as never having to wait. Wish all facilities were run like Mayo when it comes to scheduling and time allowed.


We have walked out on some docs; DH has had his secretary draw up a bill for his time that was waisted and mail it the doctor; nothing ever comes of it except....we are seen immediately at the rescheduled appointment. 

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

@Jordan2 wrote:

My doctor schedules patients every 15 minutes, which isn't always enough time with the doctor, hence the running late. What they should do, but won't,  is leave 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon free as a way to catch up or squeeze in someone with an emergency.


All doctor's office do that.  They leave blocks of time open for ER's and to cover them for appointments that run over the alloted time but it's not a science.  By the nature of the work, timing of appointment be exact.  That's why I like to get that first or second appointment if the morning.  


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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

Quite honestly, getting there and back home again has become such an ordeal I'm willing to wait a few hours if need be.


My primary's office is at a hosp, and she once was called away to attend one of her patients who was admitted and in crisis.

I had to wait, but I understand.


I've also been bumped from a scheduled CT scan by someone who came in via the emergency room and needed the machine. (Different hosp.)


My oncologist gives every patient as long as they need, so he can be running hours behind schedule by midday.


I'm required to see him periodically, but prefer my appointments with his PA because I 'click' with her and she stays on schedule.


But if someone's having new or worsening side effects from the chemo or disease she'll have him see the person that day (putting him further behind in his own appointments).

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I am embarrassed to share this but I have to wait hours to be seen for my annual and I make it 6months in advance....1st appt on thursday's 9:30am otherwise I won't take any other day or time as it's even LONGER to be seen.  


If I am lucky he will show up by 10:30am to begin the day....then I could actually get out around 11:30am which almost never happens.  


The ONLY reason I am willing to put up with this is cause I can't find another doctor that will actually prescribe the correct amount of thyroid medication I need to feel well...if I could find another one I would go there.  Each time I go somewhere all these silly doctors have ZERO clue and only want to go by TSH labs...ignore my low T3/T4 labs (which) I have to fight with them to even run...and say your TSH is low so gonna take away your meds...lower them.  Well I can't function AT ALL unless I have the amount I am on...lower and it's like I am in a coma almost.  


Plus he listens (that's why he gets behind also) and is willing to step out of the box and try medications or run a test to be sure to rule out other conditions that could be causing my extreme fatigue too.


It's only 1 time per yr so I suffer thur it....if I have any other issues I just go to another place for a quick visit..urgent care whatever.  

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

[ Edited ]


@occasionalrain wrote:

They over schedule to make up for no shows. If people would all leave after waiting 15 minutes, they would no longer over schedule. We get what we're willing to accept. 



Doctors have the same rights.  They can refuse a patient that they aren't willing to accept.  What makes you think that they over schedule for no shows? Of all the doctors I know, not one does this.  If you are genuinely in need of a doctor you won't walk out after 15 minutes. Who would be that foolish?


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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor

I don't mind waiting.  Look, I had 3 daughters who danced for 13 years.  I sat and sat and ......(well, you get the idea) for hours and hours waiting for them (while they danced).


They were involved in other various activities.  I had to sit and wait for them.  I never minded.  I often talk to others, read a book, watch TV there or look at my phone.


In oter words, I sit and wait as long as I know I'll eventually be seen.  I just don't want to have to come back.


I would think if you are sick or need help, you'll wait as long as it takes to get help.....but maybe that's just me.....

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Re: How long do you wait for a doctor



Whoa why the lecture, i am not a child, and please do not make assumptions, there are no meds that I get from her. This was a follow up and it was not a needed appointment. I am titling at windmills trying to find answers to impossible medical questions 



@BirkiLady wrote:

@I am still oxox  Be careful walking out on your Rheumatologist. What happens if you need refills on your meds and haven't kept your regular appointments? He/she may not approve the medication. They are some of the busiest physicians! Autoimmune diseases have increased over recent years and I imagine his/her practice has blossomed. There simply are not enough physicians for all of us who need their help and have so many questions. Be glad he/she takes the time to answer your questions when you have them! Next time, take a good book and wait patiently. 



Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.