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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

@Mz iMac wrote:

@kitcat51My condition--> No promise to marry but will be monogamous.  He agreed.

He's 10 yrs younger.  Easier to train. whistling.gif

Now that’s living the good life!

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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

Ten years ago I was planning my escape, er retirement, from education. I was mid 50s. I knew I'd work part time while waiting for husband to retire. He's retiring at end of the year. I'm thrilled to have a part-time job I love, so I'll work until I don't. I work with two dear friends and employment options are nice. Health is good but husband has developed some health issues. Trusting for good outcomes. In mid fifties I had 2 grandsons. Now I have 4. I truly thought we'd buy a condo in a warmer climate for half a year and downsize to a hometown apartment for half a year in the Midwest. Strange how family affects your goals. In-laws are in good health, 85 & 90, and live nearby. My husband is their oldest son and his mom calls five times a day. Weeps when we go on vacation for a week. My son is a wonderful man, but single dad to young boys so we won't be fleeing anytime soon to warmer climate for entire winter. We havel modifed our dreams and goals and focus on the positives. Daughter is a flight attendant based in expensive, west coast city. She shares a crash pad but can't afford an apartment in SFO. We keep a spare bedroom and basement storage space for her. Dream Big - Think Long - Pray Hard (Mark Batterson quote). That's what we do -- AND modify dreams and hopes. Still a good life. That would make a good tee shirt tag line -- STILL A GOOD LIFE       

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

@CrazyKittyLvr2 @Don’t think of the timing of your parents health declines as a path you will follow.There have been so many medical advances these days that most of us can expect a longer life.I don’t worry about what will come as I can’t change that so for now I will just enjoy where I am and what I can do.

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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

Ten years ago I was 53. I had two really  bad hips and two really bad knees. I was in horrible pain 24 hours a day.  I was working full time retail sales  and had to use   one crutch to get about at my job. I was pretty miserable then from pain.🙁



Fast forward today... ten years later I am 63. I have two new knees and two new hips.... I feel pretty darn Great! I walk every day, do yard work and do all those thing I could not do 10 years ago.   I went from being almost crippled to being well Again!


I had cateract surgery two years ago and now have perfect 20/15 vision with the new lenses they put  in my eyes. 👍👍👍


I retired in 2013....and am loving not going to work everyday❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



I have have  no complaints.  I let my hair go more color.....LOVE THAT...


I could lose 5 plus  or so unwanted pounds.  Need to work on that! I have a tummy I never had before...the dreaded muffin top😩


All in all, I think The past 10 years has been wonderful! No complaints from me.🙂( other than the darn tummy!)



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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

A lot more gray hairs and a few more wrinkles.


I don't care about clothes, makeup or shopping either.


If it weren't for the fact that my daughter is getting married in a month and those pictures will be forever I never would have done a trial run for hair and makeup.  I wouldn't be going out tomorrow to look for a body shaper to wear under my dress but the difference in the look was unreal!.

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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

I’m days away from turning 64, and truly understand feeling different.   New knees have improved my mobility and made me pain free, which I deeply appreciate at this age.   I feel good mentally and physically; am very determined to make the best of every day. 


In the years since my retirement, I have dealt with my stuff in the house.   I have far less stuff than anyone in this house, and there are clear notes as to what to do with what’s here, when I’m gone.   It won’t be a long drawn out time consuming experience like I went thru twice; not doing that to my girls.


As a caregiver for my mom with dementia, and my husband who is still recovering from an amputation, I accomplish everything I need to, but if I have a chance to enjoy a lazy day, I do, and have no guilt for it.   


I cook for my family and send food to my mom.  It’s a “have to” thing; I deal with it.  I hate grocery shopping, but found a way to do it as few times a year as possible, and still have everything I need to prepare our meals.   I’ve definitely learned to use my  brain in ways that result in less physical exhaustion.  


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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

That's an easy to understand explanation & I wish you happiness @Mz iMac.

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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

[ Edited ]

Changes? Pretty much everything in the last 10 years. I was 54 then.


Some of the changes were my choice. Some weren't.

I retired from my career job, sold my house and moved to a condo in a town I had wanted to move to for years.


4 years ago I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Mine is rare in that it didn't settle in the breast but went directly to the bone. Before that, I was one of those people who rarely needed a doctor. Had never had a surgery or broken a bone. What a change!


No one knows how long I have left to live. I am doing well on medication right now. living my life as fully as I can. I have a great circle of friends and a great social life. I'm planning a trip to Hawaii next year


I probably won't get to be an old lady. 😁.  I am ok with that.  One thing that isn't going to change, though. I'm keeping my dark Auburn curly , boho hair. No gray and no short pixie cut for this woman !  😁

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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

Wishing you the best @Ms tyrion2 

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Re: How, if at all, have you changed in the.......

I am 58 now and have just this year started to feel like I was middle age.  So 10 years ago even though I was already deep in the "middle" still felt so young.  Amazing how fast the past 25 years have gone by.  Used to get cold/virus ect... from my son he would bring home from school and just keep on going.  My granddaughter brought home from kindergarten last week a stomach virus and my Sunday afternoon with them turned into a Tuesday night nightmare.    It was easier as a mom as opposed to grandma.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."