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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

My property line goes out to the dividing line of the road in front of my house. There is a shallow right-of-way at the shoulder, but that's no  more than 4 or 5 feet deep, and it's just a right-of-way. I still own it and have to maintain it.


Cars doing turnarounds are usually not nosing the driveway entrance, they're coming onto the property proper. Trespassing, IOW.


My driveway and parking area are not the street. No one has the right to use them without my permission, tacit or explicit. Like the OP, my driveway isn't the safest place for a turnaround, since it's near a blind curve, and most people blithely ignore the 25 mph speed limit in their hurry to get to the main road. Creating a solution, whether by blocking the driveway or other means, is in the interest of public safety as well as property preservation.

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

@noodleann wrote:

My property line goes out to the dividing line of the road in front of my house. There is a shallow right-of-way at the shoulder, but that's no  more than 4 or 5 feet deep, and it's just a right-of-way. I still own it and have to maintain it.


Cars doing turnarounds are usually not nosing the driveway entrance, they're coming onto the property proper. Trespassing, IOW.


My driveway and parking area are not the street. No one has the right to use them without my permission, tacit or explicit. Like the OP, my driveway isn't the safest place for a turnaround, since it's near a blind curve, and most people blithely ignore the 25 mph speed limit in their hurry to get to the main road. Creating a solution, whether by blocking the driveway or other means, is in the interest of public safety as well as property preservation.

Bingo, same, exactly my situation.


I guess I need to just do what I feel is best, not only to keep people from tearing up our yard, but to avoid any potential accidents. I guess if someone does not like it, oh well. They better hope I do not see them maybe I will track their license plate and send them a landscaping bill the next time someone tears up our yard...just joking.. maybe half-joking..... honestly some of the replies here makes me want to do just that, though. It is sad to see so much inconsideration and entitlement..... 


Maybe I am turning into a grumpy old woman, but oh well. It is our yard, our driveway.. not public property. Bottom line. Gosh, I feel kind of mean, but, it is what it is. 

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

We put up a no walking your dog sign on our yard and they totally ignore it and walk them here anyway so I imagine your sign would have the same effect.

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

@151949 wrote:

We put up a no walking your dog sign on our yard and they totally ignore it and walk them here anyway so I imagine your sign would have the same effect.

I guess some are just so self-involved they do not bother to read signs. Or they ignore them and think the signs are for everyone else. 


Tomorrow I will be outside when the school bus comes, and if/when she makes her turn-around, I will walk over to the driveway and just stand their with my hands on my hips. Yeah, cheesy and tacky but hopefully she will get the point. If not, I will shout to her the next day that she is trespassing. And then hopefully the sign will be there to point to.  


As I have said, there is a 'designated' bus stop at the VERY LARGE intersection, less than 50 yards away that the neighbor kids all wait for the bus, some parents walk with their kids to the bus stop, some drive their kids and wait with them. **PLENTY** of room for multiple cars to wait at this intersection (and not block traffic), and PLENTY of room (for even a school bus) to turn around.....There is no excuse for what she is doing. It is just entitlement and inconsideration. 


I am thinking the one neighbor already told her not to turn around in his driveway. It would be easier for her to use his driveway, but he is also a neat freak with his yard. So she has to drive a bit past his to turn around in ours. 

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

Does she know the lady? What makes her think the lady is picking her driveway to upset her?  Maybe it is just easier for the driver to turn around there............just get a sign problem solved if its big enough and bright.

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

Is this person tearing up her yard or just turning around?  It is a school bus?  A company truck?  Are there not other neighbors where she can turn around?  I see people pulling in driveways and turning around all the time and no one comes out AND I SAID IT IS NOT RIGHT IF THEY ARE TEARING UP HER YARD..........also is it against the law to pull into someone's driveway?  Maybe I am not understanding.....JUST GET A SIGN THAT SAYS DO NOT ENTER MY DRIVEWAY OR I WILL CALL THE LAW.

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

Using your driveway to turn around IS trespassing. I was taught to do a 3-point turn if I needed to turn around in a street. I'm also of the mind a sign isn't going to stop anyone; if you can, use another car to block most of your driveway or install a fence.

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

[ Edited ]

For you to see her turn around in your driveway everyday, just put up your sign, then go out when you see her doing it and tell her to stop trespassing on your property. Btw, to who said not all roads are wide enough for a u turn, ever here of a 3point turn? It's in your state driving manual.

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

Check with your home owners insurance but if you have signs that say DO NOT PARK DO NOT DRIVE IN MY DRIVEWAY PRIVATE RESIDENCE STAY OFF then she couldn not be sued if the woman hit something turning around in her yard as the woman was not supposed to be there..........that is why there are NO trespassing signs DO NOT post the sign and I think you would be covered in not being sued but if you let it keep on happening you might get sued.............POST THE SIGNS everywhere.........

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Re: How do you feel about no turn around signs for driveway?

@jaxs mom wrote:

My neighbor at my old house would call me anytime anyone parked in front of my house as if we owned the public street. I'd tell her it was fine and I didn't care if anyone parked there. 

Reminds me time MANY years ago, my mother-in-law called me and asked did I know a strange car was in my drive?!....And it must have been there all night cause it was there a 7 am.....hahahaaaa

Did she get out every day at the crack of dawn and check my house?? Really?? hahaha...that heifer was nutz!