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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

@LizzieInSRQ  No sarcasm meant.  Others understand my post.  

@Puzzle Piece   Why dont you explain it then to the ones that don't get the meaning of your post.  This is a serios subject and not one that lends well to being obtuse. 

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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

@SurferWife   I am so so sorry for the horror on your islands. You are hearing so many sad stories, it sounds horrific.


My heart goes out to you and all the people affected.


I know we're not considered locals but growing up in SF with so many mixed cultures Hawaii was a welcome place to visit many times and on a regular basis. 


Please keep us updated.

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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

[ Edited ]

Count me among those who had no understanding at all as to what the post was about.  I didn't grasp why QVC was included.  Very obtuse and disjointed (to me.)

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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

I'm lost here too? If you have no home, food, water or tragically lost family members or friends I honestly can't imagine how you cope with that? They need our prayers and government assistance for sure.
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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

I think the questions posed by @Puzzle Piece were honest. Natural disasters certainly are a major disruption in all kinds of services and things we routinely have at our convenience.


We were close to that line of winds but were unaffected. Not so much my daughter and her neighborhood.


In anything like that you pick up the broken pieces as best you can, and thank the Lord for helping hands!

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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

I believe the OP was contrasting the before with the after. 

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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

[ Edited ]

"My mom is home is pets are gone....My car is a crisp neighbors are job is gone....I can't rebuild because I have no money and had inadequate insurance....I have no living relatives to count meds burned up and I need them TODAY.....



Wonder how my QVC Sherpa hooded wrap will be delivered now that  my address is gone?...first thing I did when I got cell service was call and I can't cancel the order!!!!"




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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

My response is that people will slowly rebuild their lives before ordering from QVC again. No doubt some items from Amazon and QVC were either lost or never delivered. That would be just one small part of the devastation.

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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

@SurferWife wrote:

The stories on our local news are so sad.  I feel like I haven't stop crying since last Wednesday from all the devastation.  Now more & more people are starting to talk about their experiences.  One I heard today was a man had to jump out of his car and run for his life because his car was about to catch fire (MANY had to do that).  He watched his friend's car, 2 people & 2 dogs die because their car blew up.  The fire moved that fast and they were trying to escape it.  Y'all it is so sad.  Bodies that they are finding are in little groups; people huddled together in their last terrifying moments of life.  They couldn't escape it.  Also, walking through the rubble, some of the rubble is human remains.  Many they will never find because their bodies are nothing but ashes.

So incredibly sad. It sounds a lot like the fires in Northern California in 2018 where people were trying to escape in their car but got trapped and couldn't get out. 

Just heartbreaking.

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Re: How are people coping. with their losses?

I think we, here on the mainland, can't physically help, but we can lift these people up in prayer and contribute monetarily to the GoFundMe page or other charities helping the people of Maui.


The people of the USA are truly the best when it comes to helping others in need.  Please PRAY!!