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After waiting two long months for this show to return, they only have 3 more shows to the season finale???? Good grief, these seasons get shorter and shorter.

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

I couldn't believe it when I heard that last night. It just comes back after 6 weeks and we get 3 more episodes. That's bull krap!

And I still can't figure out if I like this show. I know...weird. The dark settings get on my last nerve.

"People with closed hearts will always feel as though they are at war with the world." ~My friend Nancy
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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

I DVRd it but was so excited for its return. I didn't know there are only 3 epis left.

I'm anxiously waiting for Nashville to come back on too.

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

They seem to be doing this more and more with programming. A fairly long hiatus and then a very short lived return. I don't like it either.

Enjoyed How To Get Away With Murder last night. It's a program that I gave up on after the first couple of shows but my dd watched it so I tolerated it with her. It finally hooked me.

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

This series probably has to work around her movie projects. ABC was lucky to get her. However, they could have made it clear early on this was not a 22-23 episode run.

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

I still find it very hard to follow.

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

The tv networks are getting away with murder.

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

I think I like the show, but agree with Lotus that it is very dark......

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

I really wanted to like the show but just could not get into it....

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Re: How To Get Away With Murder

I like it, but haven't watched last night's show yet. I didn't realize there are only 3 episodes left, that's a bummer. Wonder how they will end the season and carry it over to a next, assuming there is a next season.