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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

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Almost every purchase for me is finding that so-called sweet spot between what I want, what I anticipate will serve well my needs/wants and what is a good buy.  


Getting what I desire at a bargain price has always made me happy, but I will pay full price when I know the product is what will serve me best.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

Quite often - love a bargain/good deal!

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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

Seldom, if ever.  I price check things I want or need and, when I find what I want at a price that I think is fair, I buy it.


There are things that I might like, but that I feel are way overpriced (like jewelry now) and I don't buy them.  If it's not a "need", I just pass it by.


I think a lot of us are being more careful with our money these days.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

For me, it depends on what the purchase is. I like the high/low philosophy when it comes to clothing and make-up, not so much in other areas.


We have a Dollar Store where I live and I have to say I get great deals on certain things that I don't like paying full price for, Like Zip lock bags and trash bags, staples like rice and oatmeal, I got clothes pins there etc.

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

@beckyb1012 wrote:

I never ever go cheap on paper products but living alone makes me more willing to  to without or less.  Such as no cable antenna t.v. is fine for just me.  I do calculate if I will get more use out of the more expensive item as well.  But since my retirement plans all stem on me and only me I do not go to high price items.  

My aunt who was quite a character used to say, "Never skimp on toilet paper. It just doesn't pay."

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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

Depends on what I'm purchasing plus I go by the saying "you get what you pay for".


When it comes to home renovations I always buy exactly what I want.  Clothes only certain brands that fit well, food I buy whatever we use I look for sales but usually don't buy store brands.



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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

It depends on what it is and how long  I will need it

Some products like milk and eggs are pretty much all the same, I buy cheap. They all come from the same source.


Household cleaners like bleach and ammonia are the same ( government regulated ) I buy cheap


Picnic supplies like paper plates and plasticware, I buy cheap, but also buy good quality for certain foods.

I never buy cheap outerwear or shoes or bras...I buy the best quality I can afford.


I am a big fan of dollar stores for disposable things and greeting cards.


I buy quality furniture and rugs...not always the most expensive....sometimes the name brand adds to the price, but not the quality.


I want a quality car because I will still be driving it  20 years later....even longer if the wheels don't fall off.


I don't buy plastic or faux polyester no matter the price.


Clothing is always an investment.  I  buy it to last many years.  I have found 100% cotton tees in many sleeve lengths for $6 to $8 on sale.  I have way more than 100 of them.  Some are 20 years old and are still going strong. (  Christopher and Bank)


I buy the best I can afford for most things, but not everything is better just because the price is higher.





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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

I always look for good value. Sometimes cheaper is good value,sometimes not.

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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

Very rarely!   I don't like wasting time checking prices - even online so if I want or need something I just buy it.  I do not impulse by though.  I can understand if money is tight but I worked hard to ensure in retiurement I would be ok financially.  I always say you can't take it with you when you die and I would sooner die with some debt than a lot of saved money!

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Re: How Often Do You Buy the Cheapest Thing?

I am like @Carmie depends on what it is and how much I will use it.


Clothing and