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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

No lists for me---I have no smarts for making or even checking the lists I do make--not in my DNA---I put everything on my calendar over my computer or I use the Alexa app so I can yell at that little baby from where ever I am in the apartment. It goes to my phone so I can check there. 

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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

I keep a list on a steno pad and cross things off as I do them.  End of the day or next morning, I transfer uncompleted tasks to a fresh page and toss the other page.  Items can "carry over" to the next day's page.  Super important things go on the calendar and the list.

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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

I’ve had a planner since high school.
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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

No spreadsheet herr

Perhaps I'm an organized individual

but I do it by month

I I have a binder and in it is my monthly budget

and I write down that months things needing attention



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Re: How Do You...? To Do List



My phone and Google. I have Google Calendar and Google Keep on my phone.

On my Google and Samsung calendars, they sync, I add work and family events. Our Google Calendar was online for customers to see my husband's work schedule. Our family events were on the same online calendar only in a different color code so no one could see them but us... red for work, purple for family.


Download Google Keep for things like grocery lists and Google Tasks for tasks. I don't have Google Tasks, I just tell Google to remind me at a set time to do something and she responds with you have several tasks and tells me the top three or more if I ask for them. I'm more involved with the ecosystem so I can cut Corners if I want to. I may go ahead and install Google Tasks though. If you don't have Google devices in your home you can always do the same thing with your phone.  If you don't use or don't want to involve google, you can look in the Apple play store or the Google Play Store and find many list and task apps.  Just go to your appropriate Play Store and search for to-do list or task lists or shopping list.  


I will tell Google to add grocery items to my shopping list. When I'm ready to go to the grocery store I add those items to the Walmart list with my phone. If you've added tasks to your iPhone or Android phone just ask your phone, "what are are my tasks?" You can check them off as you complete them.  I hope this made sense but if it didn't feel free to ask questions if you're interested in this way of keeping up with to do / tasks/ reminders and shopping lists.







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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

Using my phone or any of the 11 Google's in the house, two outside of the house my husband or I can just say "hey Google add pickles to the shopping list".  Of course this can also be done with our cell phones. It's convenient to be able to do it this way rather than make a trip to the kitchen to write it on a notepad on the fridge or make sure your phone is in your hand. Laying in bed? Just tell Google to add pickles to the shopping list. In the bathroom? in the bathtub/ shower? Cooking dinner? Watching TV? Brushing the dog? Cleaning house? Just say hey Google add pickles to the shopping list.  Or hey Google remind me to call Mom at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.  Or hey Google remind me to make a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 1:00 p.m., etc.  It just doesn't get any more simple. Google can turn smart lights on and off or set them to come on at a predetermined time. Google can automatically turn on lights when you get close to home. Google reminds me at 6:00 p.m. to feed the dogs and take my medicine. In other words Google keeps me on track.  It also works with smart appliances. If I was in Hong Kong I would know when my washer or dryer was finished. Google tells me when the food is ready in my air fryer. I can set the one up next to my bed to wake me to my favorite music and or tell me the news and weather.  Speaking of weather, it can tell me what the temperature is what the humidity is and what the chances of rain are. The last one is a little hit and miss. Google can tell me what the temperature and humidity and rain chances are all over the globe. I can get air quality information. Airline flight times, cancellations. Traffic information. How long it takes to get from point A to point B. She remembers birthdays that you've told her to remember or that are on your calendar.  She could start your coffee maker before you ever get up if it's plugged into a smart plug.  


If you use Alexa instead of Google. I'm pretty sure she can do the same things.


The Google Assistant, yeah your phone or a Google device, can be as helpful as you need or want it to be.


Oh, and if you have a music streaming subscription it can play all your music. If you have your own playlist it plays that too.


So excited to see if Google has any new home devices at CES this month in Vegas.  


I hope this was helpful. I don't use pencil and paper for any kind of list or tasks. It's all done on my phone and all my Google devices.

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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

@catter70 wrote:

Post it note and cross off as I go along. 

This is what I tend to do.


Today's list:

Clean out the fridge

Wash sheets & towels

Finish taking down the Christmas tree (which I started yesterday).  Clean up all of the fallen needles and have DH put the decorations away.


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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

Clutterbug on YouTube has free lists/schedules to print from time to time.

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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

So sorry I answered this twice.

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Re: How Do You...? To Do List

I keep it simple.  Paper and pen/pencil for grocery lists.  If I forget something for the list, no biggie.  We ride our bikes to the grocery store practically every day.  If I have to go back, that's that much more excersize I get.


Appts get written on a calendar and put on phones.  Doesn't trip me up to use both.  Usually I take a pic of calendar (it's actually a day planner, month at a glance) so we have them on our phone, also.


If I think of something when I'm out and about, I'll text it to either my husband or one of my kids and tell them to remind me.  lol