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Just as those who will eat at restaurants, but not a cookie baked by their neighbor, there those who would find a neighbor's welcome gift an unwelcome invasion of their privacy.

You can't know what sort new neighbor's are, or will be. So don't encourage what you may come to regret.

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anyone recall the Baked Goods received for Christmas Gifts thread?



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@CatsyCline wrote:

anyone recall the Baked Goods received for Christmas Gifts thread?



No, but I bet it was funny.  I know several people who will not eat any homemade food, especially if the baker has cats in the home.  

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If it is me, I really don't want the new neighbors showing up at my door while I'm trying to move in.  Also, with Covid they may not welcome a visit.


Not everyone wants plants--I sure don't, and now people are so particular about what they eat as well.  If you see them outside, wave and walk forward.  If they walk forward toward you, meet them at an appropriate pandemic distance and say welcome to the neighborhood.


People will let you know if they want to be chatty and friendly or not.  You can tell very quickly what you  need to know and how they react when they see you outside again.  


In this day and age, to show up at the door with gifts is almost out of line--at least to me in this day and time. Twenty years ago it would have been nice. I am just being very honest about what I think--and I know we all do not think alike, so take it for what it is.  Just me. 

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I first read this quote when I was a teenager and have never forgotten it:


“I have wept in the night
At my shortness of sight
That to others' needs made me blind,
But I never have yet
Had a twinge of regret
For being a little too kind.”

― C.R. Gibson

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@CatsyCline wrote:

anyone recall the Baked Goods received for Christmas Gifts thread?



@CatsyCline - yes, I was part of that infamous thread, LOL. Didn't go so well for me that day. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@tansy wrote:


@CatsyCline wrote:

anyone recall the Baked Goods received for Christmas Gifts thread?



No, but I bet it was funny.  I know several people who will not eat any homemade food, especially if the baker has cats in the home.  

@tansy - the thread was absolutely brutal.  I took a lot of hits, LOL. I am one of those who won't eat baked goods if it comes from a home with cats.  I still stand by that. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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At the very end of last year, I bought a new house in an all new community. I was the 4th person to move in.  Many others have moved in since.  We have all been very friendly to each other, but no gifts.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Without reading the other replies, I would say no.

Most people these days value their privacy and some would feel indebted by a gift. JMO

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Registered: ‎06-25-2012

When we moved in our old house the neighbor brought over a delicious homemade pie from a local bakery. It was the sweetest thing for them to do!

"Pure Michigan"