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Re: Horrible Accident

[ Edited ]

The topic is the untimely deaths.


While there is blame on the owner of the truck allowing the 13 year old to be driving, the focus needs to remain on the devastation the survivors of all victims will be dealing with forever.


Posting information that is inaccurate and supposition about insurance are not needed.  It diminishes the  tragedy to gossip.





"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@KKJ wrote:

@Cakers3  "What states have no inspection requirements???"    Not sure about TX but in Kansas where I live vehicle inspections are not required.

@KKJ   Thank you for the info.  I already posted about the requirements in Texas in the same post.


@TW   Seemed to think Texas did not.  Opening her post with "Texas!" along with the "uncivilized" remark seemed to be about dislike of the state rather than the facts.

@Cakers3  She just insulted me on another thread. Now she’s insulting Texas.

@proudlyfromNJ   Figures. 

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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@Cakers3 wrote:

@TW wrote:

Texas!  The driver was 13?!  Driving with a spare tire which are meant to get you to the tire store only.  I bet no insrurance.  So typical in certain parts of the country. If I was family of the victims I would lose my mind and be so angry.  So many states have no vehicle inspections which is insane with ever increasing traffic.  I have seen cars on the road that you wouldn't see in a junk yard in Europe.  It's time to have mandatory professional driver training for all drivers, mandatory yearly vehicle inspections and cars not road worthy pulled out of traffic.  Any other civlilized country does that.

@TW   Where are you getting such information???


In Texas, registration for vehicles takes place annually, and in order to renew the registration you must have a vehicle inspection first.  No inspection, no registration.


You have no idea if there is insurance on the truck, either.


What states have no inspection requirements????


It seems Texas is your issue without knowing your facts.







Our State of Nebraska has no vehicle inspections. Did for many years and it changed. Not sure why or when. 




hckynut 🇺🇸


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Report this morning is that a 13 year old was driving the truck illegally with his father in the passenger seat.  Both were killed.

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@hckynutjohn  These states don't require any vehicle inspections. Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, South Carolina, South Dakota, Michigan and Mississippi.


Guessing it's a way to keep cars cheap 

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@songbird wrote:

@hckynutjohn  These states don't require any vehicle inspections. Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, South Carolina, South Dakota, Michigan and Mississippi.


Guessing it's a way to keep cars cheap 






Hmm! Don't get why Nebraska isn't listed there. They did away with that here years ago here. Can't remember the year, but it's been ages.


Personally, me being a car guy and former racer for many years.  While I think vehicle mechanical function is important! The person driving comes in as #1.


Similar to race cars, the driver ranks higher to me, than the vehicle being driven. In my type of racing, you could have the best equipment, but without a top notch driver? Very likely to win many races.


In this deadly wreck, take the father responsible for both the condition of the vehicle, and letting an unlicensed driver take the wheel? To me the vehicle is secondary.


I had several blowout tube tires back in the '50s-'60's, including in the front. A capable and knowledgeable driver would be much more likely to know instinctively what to do. May still crash, but with much less damage and carnage.


Manufacturers putting all these unnecessary "do dads" in vehicles, adds to the distraction. If 100% of a drivers focus is not on driving the vehicle, eventually, bad things are gonna happen.


Driver is #1, condition of the vehicle, to me, is a far away #2.


Thank you for this list of States.



hckynut   🇺🇸


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Driving in Houston is a nightmare, especially on I 45, but, believe it or not, Dallas is worse. I have lived in both places and Houston was tame compared to Dallas!
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