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I just got an email for a funeral invitation from a funeral home in Florida. It's a big old malware virus. Don't open it! I'm assuming everyone knows someone in Florida. Ugh. Have fun today Smiley Happy
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Re: Hey! Heads up! Comp virus

Even if you know someone in Florida why would a funeral home be sending out invits and who would really even think of opening it? I would think anyone you are close with would have let you know funeral plans personally.

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Re: Hey! Heads up! Comp virus

I know an e-vite to a funeral is odd. It looked legitimate. In my circle, a lot of communication is done with out actually speaking with someone. I'm sure I wasn't the only person to open this. But thanks for the snark.
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Re: Hey! Heads up! Comp virus

On 2/25/2014 Pook said:

Even if you know someone in Florida why would a funeral home be sending out invits and who would really even think of opening it? I would think anyone you are close with would have let you know funeral plans personally.

I agree!! Inviting someone to a funeral through an email is tacky and very impersonal. And if it was legit, why wouldn't it be coming from a family member??

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Re: Hey! Heads up! Comp virus

I have gotten several of those from funeral homes recently---I never open that stuff.

Posts: 20
Registered: ‎06-10-2012

Re: Hey! Heads up! Comp virus

Give the OP a break. Of course this is not the norm and we can sit back and say we would never open such a thing. But, in the instant you see something like this, concern (or panic) takes over and we don't think clearly.
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Re: Hey! Heads up! Comp virus

Thank you for letting us know. Happiness to all.