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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

Aquaphor or Vaseline. I had an awful experience with those little ""egg"" shaped lip balms last year . . . and realized the more I used the worse it became. Awful. Must be something in them I was sensitive to since they are suppose to be like 98% organic and pure ingredients.

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

If you don't use a humidifier at night, you might try that as well.

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

my grandson is 4 and he always gets chapped lips when he has not been getting enough water! we always know when he needs more because of his lips. i put some Vaseline on them after i rub his mouth with a warm towel to exfoliate and then make sure he has a couple of bottles of water. his lips are back to normal within a couple of days at the most. i tried carmex but he hates the taste of it and would wipe it off as soon as i turned my back!

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

Aquaphor is great for many purposes, but for my lips I use two Philosophy products, an exfoliant called "Kiss Me" and a lip moisturizer called "Kiss me Tonight."

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

Are you using a Tarter Control toothpaste? I had the same problem as you and my dentist told me to stop using that toothpaste because some people can get an allergic reaction to the ingredients. I switched to Arm & Hammer toothpaste and my lips no longer crack or peel and the sides of my mouth have healed up also. I also use Nivea lip balm at night.

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

Palladio tinted lip balm smoothed my dry lips in a few days. It comes in several colors.

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

Vitamin A&D Ointment. It's OTC in drug stores. Comes in a tube. I used to apply it before I went to bed and solved the problem in a couple of days. Now I just make sure I always put on lip balm before I go to bed.

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

I honestly never have that problem. Maybe because when I exfoliate my face,,,I exfoliate my lips and then wear Vaseline over night.


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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

On 1/28/2015 Qwackertoo said:

Aquaphor or Vaseline. I had an awful experience with those little ""egg"" shaped lip balms last year . . . and realized the more I used the worse it became. Awful. Must be something in them I was sensitive to since they are suppose to be like 98% organic and pure ingredients.

I'm beginning to think the same thing Qwacker and just this week said to myself I have to remember to buy a small jar of vaseline when I'm out.

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Re: Help - who has dry, peeling, painful lips? What are you using?

Thanks so much!!! I've had dry lips before but this is horrible. I appreciate all your replies. If I don't see results soon, I will have to contact the derm. --- again! Many thanks!

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