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Re: Help finding a new dog food.

On 8/4/2014 JeanLouiseFinch said:

We've had a really good experience with Nature's Domain. It's only sold at Costco, but is a grain free dry dog food. I've read that it's the same thing as Taste of the Wild, just relabeled/privately labeled for Costco. It's nutrient dense. My big dog (85# Golden Retreiver) gets 1.5 cups in the morning and 1.5 cups in the afternoon. His eliminations are firm and compact. A large bag (35#, I think), runs right around $30 or so.

I have labs and fed my dog Natural Balance - Fish & Sweet Potato for YEARS (about 8 years) We switched to Nature's Domain from Costco and they LOVE it and it has more protein in it and they actually look and seem healthier, they always were before but I would say even more so now and their poo looks firm/soft/formed - Do not notice any gas effect, I HIGHLY recommend it!!

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Re: Help finding a new dog food.

On 8/11/2014 Sandgirl said:
On 8/4/2014 JeanLouiseFinch said:

We've had a really good experience with Nature's Domain. It's only sold at Costco, but is a grain free dry dog food. I've read that it's the same thing as Taste of the Wild, just relabeled/privately labeled for Costco. It's nutrient dense. My big dog (85# Golden Retreiver) gets 1.5 cups in the morning and 1.5 cups in the afternoon. His eliminations are firm and compact. A large bag (35#, I think), runs right around $30 or so.

I have labs and fed my dog Natural Balance - Fish & Sweet Potato for YEARS (about 8 years) We switched to Nature's Domain from Costco and they LOVE it and it has more protein in it and they actually look and seem healthier, they always were before but I would say even more so now and their poo looks firm/soft/formed - Do not notice any gas effect, I HIGHLY recommend it!!

I think it's really catching on. I had to buy more on my last trip. Our boy gets the turkey formula, but I was thinking of the salmon variety, thinking it would give him more Omega-3's, but the nutritional breakdown on each bag were exactly the same so I stayed with the turkey. Why mess around when he's doing fine.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 3,861
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Help finding a new dog food.

Thanks, JLF. I'll have to check my BJs and see if there's a comparable product, or something that is well-reviewed on their site or elsewhere. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Posts: 1,707
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Help finding a new dog food.

I have been using Simply Nourish that I buy at Pets Smart. I have a poodle with very bad skin and allergy isues. When I first bought this brand, I selected a formula that is very vegtable rich and low grain. My dog responeded wonderfully and his skin issues improved greatly. I made it through last fall through winter, but in the spring of this year I noticed the issues were coming back. I thought it was just the spring and allergy season and back to the vet we went for antibiotic treatment and steroid. I hate giving him all those meds. Well, long story short. We had another vistit last month to try and give him some relief. I had stayed with the same brand of Simply Nourish, but around Christmas time last year, I went to the ALL Grain Free formula. That was my only change. So this month, I put two and two together and wondered if the forumula change might be an issue. I went back to the Low Grain Formula and guess what his skin issues have improved greatly in the last three weeks. I have no idea what the issue is, but for my furbaby, just a slight differnce in the food, made a huge difference. I wish you well with you choices.