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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

I'll take my 113 degrees today, over the -53 that it was a few years ago when I was in MN. Love the dry heat, will never never be in the humidity again unless it's on a vacation! 

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

@Spurt Your post had me laughing like crazy. It's good to be able to do so, in the midst of things. Humor is medicine. 


BTW, I used to be in the CPS Power Player's list. I'd get calls about my energy consumption compared with 100 others who had similar SF homes. Maybe you were in it, too? All of a sudden it stopped. Hm, wondering why. Better not to poke the bears?


I always did well, at 14 to 18 out of 100. But, it's only me, so obviously, I have a smaller footprint. My electric bills have been reasonable, for me (less than $200), but friends last electric bill  has been well over $500. And, the worst is yet to come. This weekend will be a smoker.  

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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

[ Edited ]

@BlueFinch wrote:

@Spurt Your post had me laughing like crazy. It's good to be able to do so, in the midst of things. Humor is medicine. 


BTW, I used to be in the CPS Power Player's list. I'd get calls about my energy consumption compared with 100 others who had similar SF homes. Maybe you were in it, too? All of a sudden it stopped. Hm, wondering why. Better not to poke the bears?


I always did well, at 14 to 18 out of 100. But, it's only me, so obviously, I have a smaller footprint. My electric bills have been reasonable, for me (less than $200), but friends last electric bill  has been well over $500. And, the worst is yet to come. This weekend will be a smoker.  



WOW!, nope---I was never called by CPS Energy but they do have that chart---"Neighbor Comparison"  on the website. Now I do turn my thermostat up to 77 or 78 and watch the running of high energy consuming appliances when its near 100---but no way am I turning my A/C up to 84....I work from home so thats not fair already compared to people that work at an office and turn up their thermostat even higher.....


some people around here in my condo complex and neighborhood head north to get away from the hot texas summers, and some are college students and go to their parents so of course Im going to be higher compared to them!!! 😫  But in the winter unless theres a artic storm, I dont turn on my heater a lot nor keep it on very often so Im "the winner" then! 



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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:


@Spurt- Despite the lack of reliable electricity (brown/black outs), they keep telling us to buy electric cars.   How are we supposed to charge these vehicles when there isn't enough to cool our homes? I am in So. California and our area only permits outside watering 1 day per week.  If we don't conserve 20%, more restrictions will follow.  Our electric company continues to raise rates because their faulty equipment is responsible for the many wildfires we've experienced.  We are having a few more days of excessive heat this week before a couple days of slightly cooler temps. before another high pressure comes middle of next week and heats us up again. 

No kidding! The people in charge obviously don't understand

'horse before cart'.



Yep, they have no common sense! 

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

I just saw a headline (couldn't read the story because of paywall) that a local University had to stop their graduation mid-ceremony today due to excessive heat.  It's 102; unusually hot for June although we had some 100-plus days in May too.  Normally the 100-plus days start in July.


Saturday it's supposed to be 100, then Monday 84 then up and down the remainder of the week  The past few months our weather has been all over the place.  

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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.



Our outside thermometers read 88 today. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. Haven’t turned on the AC yet, but our 220 lb. fur boy wasn’t having any of it and went down stairs with Pops where it stays cool in the warm days.


Bah. It will be snowing again before you know it. lol

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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.


@SilleeMee wrote:

@Malcontent wrote:



Just come over and bring your fur babies. I have plenty of room (and food) and whole house air conditioning.





Oh thank you. Sounds very inviting. I just got a new 5-yo golden retriever girl and she won't get into my car! Gonna have to keep her safe and cool here until this heat wave passes. Would love to come visit though!Woman Happy




@SilleeMee    You didn't tell us you got a new dog.  A rescue?  You didn't post pictures of any of the things expected when a new child enters a family.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

It was 109° in Roswell, NM today; it hit 100° in Albuquerque at 6pm.  Same for next 2-3 days.  Thank goodness I don't have a lawn to worry about watering due to xeriscape but I do water shrubbery.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

It's here, and I am in the midst of it.  106 in Ca.  I  live in Santa Clara Co. southern edge. Whew.  There is a hot wind blowing.  My garden has been suffering with water redtrictions

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Re: Heat wave is on the way to the west.

@SilleeMee   93 in N. Ca. today, will be 80's-90's through September, at least, but it is dry heat which is bearable.  My poor little pups have been panting all day even with fans on.