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Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

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The more I see of the damage and the disrupted lives caused by Hurricane Ian, the sadder I become.  So many folks are senior citizens who found their little bit of "paradise on Earth" that was affordable to them, and they have lost everything.  Many no longer carried flood insurance because of its high cost.  


And now, they have nothing.  Where will most of them go?  What will they do?  How does the area rebuild with the knowledge that destructive storms like Hurricane Ian will occur with more frequency and not every 1,000 years, as these storms are being described?  All this is tragic, of course, but they will go forward.  But to what?


Not a time for political pontificating.  This is a time for compassion and wisdom on how to rebuild wisely while caring for all those left behind.


[There have been remarkable displays of heroism by professional rescue groups as well as locals who care for their fellow citizens.  Many hugs to the Cajun Navy!   Bless them.]

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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

It is heartbreaking. I hope everyone finds the help they need. It will take a long time to recover that is certain.

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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

Deaths toll is over 100 with many people unaccounted for.



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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

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Frankly, this is some of the worst destruction of property and lives that I have ever seen on screen. 


Hurricane Katrina was a horror.  I guess these two (Katrina and Ian) are in the same league.  I don't know, and no one wants to win that contest anyway.


Horror.  Plain and simple horror.

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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

Yes, it is very tragic how many lives were lost, how many homes were destroyed and the terrible aftermath of the hurricane.  Thankfully there are those who help and rescue, who are out there working on the utilities, who are searching for people, who provide food and shelter.  Also there will be aid from the government as there will be for Puerto Rico.  I hope both places, Florida and Puerto Rico will be able to rebuild while keeping in mind that some areas aren't meant to be built upon and with knowledge that another hurricane will do the same destruction.  

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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

The only mildly upbeat hurricane news I've heard lately came from one woman who lives in Puerto Rico.  She said that Ian was no Hurricane Maria.  Thank heavens for small mercies.

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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

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@golding76 - A lot of people lost everything, as you said. And those people are hurting. I believe all we can do is pray for them and help them financially where we can. I was glad to hear on the radio today that Chick-FIL-A and other restaurants are giving free food to residents impacted by Ian. Some animal shelters in Georgia are taking  animals who were in shelters in Florida. They need financial help. 


I have a dear friend here who lost everything when her house burned to the ground this past summer. Her young adult son was home at the time; she wasn't. He got out through a second floor window with burns and scrapes. He's OK. One of our other friends rallied the troops. They hosted a surprise party. We all gave cash donations. She still isn't at the point of needing "things," because of all of the red tape. 


I plan to help financially through our religious denomination. I feel more comfortable doing that because I know the money will get directly to the people who need it. 



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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

There are many safe lovely areas to live in the country. 


Those deciding to live in hurricane prone areas should think twice about moving there.  


Yes it is sad, but I ask myself the same question every year...why do people move there risking their lives, pets', other animals' lives, and everything they own?


Maybe, Florida and other hurricane zones should have remained wildlife habitat.  Wildlife can escape much more quickly, then return when it's safe.  


2 Bald Eagles lost their nest in Southwestern Florida.  Harriet and M15.  Returned and are building another one in the same tree.  They don't require a lot of money and help to rebuild.  How long will it take for human residents to rebuild?


I may sound cruel...not cruel, just realistic.  

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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

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Foxxee, I understand what you have written.  My 1 1/2 years of living in Miami certainly do not make me an expert on Floridians, but many who choose to live there are attracted to its particular brand of aquatic life. For many, that is the driving force.  They like tropical-style aquatics, if you will.


For some others, I've seen some sort of desperate attempt to be able to live where it is affordable and the climate is mild (of course, for me, a lover heat who found Miami scorching, the heat can become too intense). 


There is also a large number for whom it is a "last chance" place to land.  I can't fully explain it, but there were some who had lost in Los Angeles, Houston and other points on the map, and they came to Florida in a last attempt (or so it seemed) to make it.  There were many dreamers there, in my estimation. 


And, of course, many end up in Florida because of their careers.  Simple, regular middle-class folks. 

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Re: Heartbroken by All the Devastation in Parts of Florida Hit Hard by Ian

The desperation of this situation is undeniable.  It seems to me that every part of the United States comes with environmental dangers:  hurricanes, fire, drought, earthquakes, flooding, etc.  Here in Wisconsin we experience devastating tornadoes and dangerously-cold winter temperatures.

If this board has taught me anything, it is that  ANY subject can be infused with politics.  Such is the state of the polarized electorate.