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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

No returns?  Not for me then.   Anyway, I'm really trying to direct any purchases I make to the local stores when possible and keep my online purchases to a minimum now. 

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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

@Desertdi wrote:

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

I tried to view the site but they require your email address just to see anything and that's crazy to me.. I won't be shopping there because I don't like giving my email address to be bombarded daily with multiple emails.  I already get bombarded with multiple QVC emails daily, that's enough for me.  Are the deals worth it?

I found the same thing.     Don't want an in-box full of ads.

That is not the point to me, no reason for a  shopper to give an email just to browse the site, most of the flash sale sites do this.  It annoys me, so I don't bother,

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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

The no return issue is a potential headache, it something is damaged be prepared for a lot of hoops.


My first and last order took 6-7 weeks to arrive!! That is excessive to me! Almost 2 months   ?!?!?

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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

[ Edited ]

When I took a look at some of the Aimee Kestenberg handbags I noticed that a couple were at a lower price than what Qvc charges.  Since Qvc owns Zulily that doesn't make much sense to me unless they are irregulars, customer returns that have scratches, etc. That doesn't work for me.  Not enough information given.  

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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

I shopped with them for awhile, but unsubscribed when I realized many of the clothing items I'd ordered didn't fit, even though they should have fit according to the size charts. Since they don't take returns, I ended up donating them. I also grew disenchanted with the long shipping times (there were some items that I'd forgotten I'd ordered by the time I received it).

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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

I've had really good luck with Zulily. The only downside is that shipping can be very slow. However, their customer service is really great. I recently ordered something that arrived broken. Because there were no more in stock they could replace it with, they gave me a $15.00 credit (which was more than the item cost!) in addition to my refund. I thought that was pretty generous!

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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

The shipping takes quite a while. My sister ordered and the clothing was not very good quality.

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Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

How do they justify such slow shopping? 

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

[ Edited ]

I shop Zulily often and I love it.  Their shipping fee is very low and once you order one thing, everything else you order midnight that day will ship for free.


Their shipping is not slow.  Their site has two types of products. One type will ship ASAP and the other type is promotional products where you can order a product for a few days.  After the promotion is over, Zulily puts in their order to the manufacturer and when the products comes in they will send it to you.  They are very upfront in telling you this.


This past Christmas, a pair  of earrings I ordered were damaged in shipment.  I sent Zulily an e-mail.  They refunded my money in full and in addition gave me a credit in the amount that I spent on the earrings.  So, I made money. They returned twice what I paid.  I did not have to return the earrings either.


i have had no problems with them sending me e-mail and I have saved a lot of money shopping with them.


i have never ordered clothing or shoes and would not unless it was a brand that I already owned and was sure it would fit.  I have ordered bed linens, including two children's ZIP-It-s that are sold at around $50 at retail ( I paid $21 each) jewelry and things for my garden and home.


adding: I do not receive daily e-mail from Zulily.  I only receive e-mail when I order telling me the status and shipping/ tracking info.  You can opp out of e-mail if you wish.

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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: Have you shopped Zulilly?

I'm signed up for zulily, but don't get emails from them.  I've only looked, haven't shopped.  I haven't seen anything that I wanted to buy.