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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....


Have read and heard some terrible and inhumane stories that disturb me to my core. My wife hears and sees way too many with her work with the Boxer Rescue organization she volunteers. The stories are, and will continue to be endless, as long as humans are in existence.


Like most other things in my life, I work on finding the best way to cope for me personally. Every time it begins with my being an eternal optimist, and working from there. I have, to this point, been able to keep any if them from being unshakable for me.


Hopefully I will continue to be able to do so,




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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....


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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....

Yes. A woman who had a 2nd trimester abortion because she was in denial. She wasn't 14. She was 26. I couldn't even re-read it even once.
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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....

Yes, I have and yes it effects me deeply.  I avoid all stuff like that.  If by chance I run across a picture or something on TV or internet, I turn away quick, turn channel.  I avoid topics, even on the boards that may conjur up images I do not want replaying in my head,.  Call me whimp.


I HATE all the ASPCA and animal abuse commercials, and avoid them like the plague.  The minute I hear one bar of the music, the channel goes.  Don't get me wrong I know what is out there, and I do my share and more to help in different ways.  I do not need graphic photos and stories to remind me

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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

Of course those stories affect those of us who aren't monsters.  I cringe when learning about them all.

Last year a man killed his own infant daughter by having s8x with her - she was three weeks old.  I was angry for days and the authorities requested the media to remove themselves from the story and details. 

An aquaintance of mine retired from the bench as a prosecuting attorney for child abuse.  She really is a special person to have such a career.  She just plain told me that those kind of people are wired that way and there isn't any reforming them.  She spoke from years of experience as she would see they had no regrets at all.  They just regretted being caught. 


      I worked with abused children for over 15 years!  You all would never believe some of the horrific, hurtful deeds done to children, often by their own parents.  It was mind blowing!! My only goal was to get those children out of that situation and hopefully, on to a better life.   Often, it was the law itself that was an obstacle....

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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....



I can't handle the animal abuse stories either.  The ASPCA is my go-to charity, but I can't handle their commercials.  I dive for the remote as soon as I hear the music.  Even when they change the song my brain somehow figures out it's a new ASPCA commercial before the first pictures come on.


I actually think they'd get more donations if they showed how donations are actually helping the animals.  Too many people just turn the commercials  off and don't donate.

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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....

[ Edited ]

Yes, That is why I support Operation Under ground railroad.  Tim Ballard goes after child s-- traffic and helps put them away while saving children.  This is a big problem in the USA so don't think this is not OUR problem too.

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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....

@Northray wrote:

.....that you can't shake it and it actually depresses you.  About three days ago I read a story on a precious little girl who was horribly abused in Arizona (I won't go into detials because it is very distrubing - google if you want but be warned) and I can't stop thinking about this baby girl.  I could not sleep the night I read about it and I've been very down since then.  I've actually called the center where they are treating her but they told me and I read yesterday that they can't accept donations on her behalf.  Apparently donations and calls of offers to help have been pouring in from all over the country (thank God for good people).  I know that unfortuntely these things happen way to often, but still it breaks my heart and I feel unsettled about her suffering.  I just wonder how you handle horrible news? 

Yes, and I handle it much the same way you do, I take actions with donations, volunteer work, or activism. I share some of the stories with others, because awareness of a problem is the first step to solving the problem. I have had many stories stick with me over the years, especially stories about innocent people convicted of crimes they didn't commit, some of whom have been executed for crimes they likely didn't commit, like Cameron Todd Willingham.



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Registered: ‎05-12-2012

Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....

@corita wrote:

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

Of course those stories affect those of us who aren't monsters.  I cringe when learning about them all.

Last year a man killed his own infant daughter by having s8x with her - she was three weeks old.  I was angry for days and the authorities requested the media to remove themselves from the story and details. 

An aquaintance of mine retired from the bench as a prosecuting attorney for child abuse.  She really is a special person to have such a career.  She just plain told me that those kind of people are wired that way and there isn't any reforming them.  She spoke from years of experience as she would see they had no regrets at all.  They just regretted being caught. 


      I worked with abused children for over 15 years!  You all would never believe some of the horrific, hurtful deeds done to children, often by their own parents.  It was mind blowing!! My only goal was to get those children out of that situation and hopefully, on to a better life.   Often, it was the law itself that was an obstacle....


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Re: Have you ever read something so distrubing.....

@Puzzle Piece - there was another similar story a few years ago.  The man was executed but the child had died many years go.  He'd been on death row for a number of years.  That story was one of the ones that I will never forget and that haunts me to this day.  I wish I'd never read it, but fortunately, I'd only read about it as the monster was being executed, so at least I got to see his punishment take place.  


I try try so hard to avoid headlines like these, but I do read them sometimes accidentally. I'm trying not to read about the little Noah Chamberlain because the more I think about the fear he must have experienced during his final days the more upset I become.