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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

I keep my landline because I don't like the quality of sound trying to have a conversation on a cell phone.  

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@ID2 wrote:

I really don't know why anyone has a landline phone anymore? Why complain about unwanted calls when its a simple task to block/remove any scam calls with a cell phone. 

I'm 79 yrs young and never used a cell phone,.I have 3 phones (in 3 rooms) - so the phone is always nearby. I can't imagine getting a call on a cellphone and running to various rooms to make a call or answer the phone. Plus - having to charge it daily. I don't know how u hit those tiny numbers. I love my landline. 

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@Kalli wrote:

@ID2 wrote:

I really don't know why anyone has a landline phone anymore? Why complain about unwanted calls when its a simple task to block/remove any scam calls with a cell phone. 

We have our landline because it's tied into our security system.  Yes, we can get rid of LL.  Then the security co will have to update our system whenever new technology is added, at least that's my understanding from conversation with security co guy. He'd do it if I requested.


Our system works great right now.  I don't want to worry about having things tweaked for each new tech adjustment.  I don't see them but once a year when they come to check on system.  The rest of the year it's working. (I know because once in a while I mess up and set it off.)  Anyway, I'm not looking to mess up the way it is now. Never change a winning game. 


In addition, we live in a small town.  We've had our LL for 40 years.  Once in a great while someone will call us on that number.  This year it was an elderly gentleman close to my dad's age, who was friends with my husband years ago when DH was still working.  It was nice to chat with him.  Might have missed that call if not for the old LL number.  That guy passed away a few months back.  My dad still occasionally calls our LL, too, when he can't get me on my cell.

@Kalli I have the best of two worlds. A LL phone and a separate security system. The alarm is monitored using cell service. This upgrade happened about 6-7 years ago. Most people don't have landlines anymore.

The tech is cool. I get an email telling me to change a smoke detector battery. 

Comcast is good for TV, internet and phone, but not security. 




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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@ID2 wrote:

I really don't know why anyone has a landline phone anymore? Why complain about unwanted calls when its a simple task to block/remove any scam calls with a cell phone. 

I still have a landline phone because with bundling of services, it's cheaper to keep it than it is to get rid of it. It would cost me $15 a month more to have just internet service than it does to have both internet and the landline. I only use it to collect messages, which I check roughly once a week. The ringer is off. 


Yes, it is easy to block scammers on a cell phone IF they call from the same number repeatedly. But they don't. I just don't answer numbers that I don't recognize. 



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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

I have a landline and will keep it because the sound quality is better and it is easier to talk on.


I had to laugh yesterday, when for the third time, the phone rang and the caller ID showed MY NAME and NUMBER. I don't want to block it because then I will never be able to call my home in case someone is there I want to reach. I didn't leave myself a message, so it must not have been important. I just whispered to the dogs that the, "call was coming from inside the house!"

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@Lisa now in AZ wrote:

I have a landline and will keep it because the sound quality is better and it is easier to talk on.


I had to laugh yesterday, when for the third time, the phone rang and the caller ID showed MY NAME and NUMBER. I don't want to block it because then I will never be able to call my home in case someone is there I want to reach. I didn't leave myself a message, so it must not have been important. I just whispered to the dogs that the, "call was coming from inside the house!"

@Lisa now in AZ , 😄👍🏻

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Re: Has anyone noticed the new phone scam trick?

[ Edited ]

@chrystaltree wrote:

Private number designations are not new, they've been around for several years.  If you don't know who is calling you, just let it go to voicemail.


Exactly.  Definitely not new.  And it's really pretty simple. Just let voicemail pick up.


I have a landline and a cell phone, and they both serve different purposes..  I love my cell, and I use it often throughout the day, but I am not overly attached to it.  And I certainly don't pick up every call.  Even if it's a number I recognize, I might let it go to voicemail if it's not a convenient time for me.  


Just because someone calls it doesn't mean we need to answer.  Our phones are OURS, we pay for them, and they are for OUR convenience.  I've never felt compelled to drop everything and let a phone control my life.  I remember people calling during dinner and my Dad saying, "If it's important, they'll call back."  This was way before answering machines and voicemail.  Now that we have those, there's even less of a reason to answer if we don't recognize the number, are in the middle of doing something else, or simply just don't feel like it.  Voicemail is a wonderful thing!

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@Georgiagrama wrote:

@ID2 wrote:

I really don't know why anyone has a landline phone anymore? Why complain about unwanted calls when its a simple task to block/remove any scam calls with a cell phone. 

@ID2   You can't block a number on a landline call unless you have the number.  If it is a private caller, you don't see the number.   We are not big cell phone users so we keep our landline.  We keep our landline because we like it and we aren't dependent on a battery to insure our calls, especially if we are without power.   


NAT:  They just change the number if you block them.  They spoof another number and call.  Apparently, there is no way you can block them on your cell or your land line if you don't have their number.  I answer most calls I get unless I am certain they are scams because I get a lot of phone calls.  I live in a small community of about 35,000 people and I don't know all their phone numbers and occasionally people get my name from a donor list, a volunteer list, a civic list and call me for good reason.  So, even if I block the last caller and it's a scam, he will only spoof another number and call back.  Apparently, everyone is not aware that prank calls are also made on cell phones and there is a good reason to have land lines if you have a sick person in your home whose pacemaker and breathing equipment are matter of life and death and the pacer is monitored by the landline and when a cell cannot be captured, you need to make an urgent call and your cell phone is no good. So, you go to the, always there for you, land line.

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@Kachina624 wrote:

@chickenbutt wrote:

It depends on your phones and/or your service, I would imagine.


I've had 'private number' blocked for quite a while.   Sometimes I get one call after another from private and am glad that they are stopped before they can leave a message.   Well, they can't on my landline because I have the voicemail turned off.   


I hope this stuff is fixed some day.  Spoofing numbers should be not only illegal but the phone companies should be able to preclude them from even getting through with spoofed information.   It doesn't seem like it should be that complicated.

@chickenbutt.  Many of these annoying calls originate overseas.  It's almost impossible to police operations outside of the country.  As soon as engineer outwit the technology they're using, they come up with something better to get through. 


They have our phone numbers and they are in India, the Philippines, China, etc., and they know our area code, so they spoof a number in our neighborhood and call us.  We think it is the person across the street, but it is a scam caller.  Apparently some here have never heard of spoofing numbers so they think the answer to prank calls is getting rid of your land line.  I don't think AT&T allows you to block all solicitors although they were first out of the box to do that after 9/11 but things changed and so did AT&T.  I hear they are giving phone logs out to the highest bidder nowadays.

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Re: Has anyone noticed the knew phone scam trick?

@ID2 wrote:

I really don't know why anyone has a landline phone anymore? Why complain about unwanted calls when its a simple task to block/remove any scam calls with a cell phone. 

We still have a landline because we live in earthquake country.  If the power is knocked out from those towers, a cell/smart phone is useless.