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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

No increase; actually a substantial decrease in premiums. State Farm has been checking our mileage for the last 2 years, and based on those numbers, premiums on our 2013 and 2014 Toyota's has dropped way under $300 every 6 months.
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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

No increases but I am shopping for new insurance. I have 3 cars and they are all older cars with low mileage. I have no accidents or tickets but my insurance is not decreasing. The company I am currently with has a lot of young drives and, according to the agent, this group submits claims for any little issue.


She also stated that the state I live in had a lot of  mandatory insurance requirements that are driving up prices.  So I said to her "you are telling me that I am being penalized for the risky driving of others?" Hopefully, I will find a good company and will switch over prior to renewing in January.

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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

I EXPECT car (and homeowners, and health) insurance to go up every year. I can't remember it ever decreasing.................. 


♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

[ Edited ]

@Mindy D wrote:

Mine increased. No tickets, great credit and 20 years with the same company. 

DITTO   But,40 years with the company

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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

  No. We are a three car family . Our rates have been pretty stable the last few years.DH also gets a discount through his employer.And my son is given a good student discount.            

   In addition we have our car insurance bundled with our Homeowners & umbrella policies witch further discounts our premium.

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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

[ Edited ]

We have been with our insurance since 1979.  I did notice a 12 increase.  But garbage, sewer, phone, PG&E all went up since late spring.  Geesh.  I really feel sorry for people on fixed incomes and folks trying to raise a family.    Our medicare went waaay up, taxes went up, not to mention groceries and pet food.  My cat and pond fish eat well though.😍

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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

not sure what state you live in but many states (my state included) has actually begun charging insurance companies for all uninsured drivers. There is no way around it, loopholes (what else is new). Two years ago we switched from Hartford (we are of retirement age) because of a massive increase 1300 a year to 2000 a year. Nearly fainted when we saw that increase. We found a great insurance and low and behold when we got our yearly policy earlier this year we got hit with another increase, we called our insurance company and asked what exactly was happening. That is when they informed us about this new loophole law about we are paying for all those uninsured people who drive on the road and there absolutely nothing we can do. 

We have no tickets,no fines, we drive less than 20,000 miles a year. My husband still works full time, i rarely drive anywhere. My 16 yr old car has less than 85,000 miles on it,


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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

The longer you are with a company the better the rates.  Maybe changing companies frequently encourages rate increases.  I dont know, but seems like it could be likely.

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Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

The longer you are with a company the better the rates.  Maybe changing companies frequently encourages rate increases.  I dont know, but seems like it could be likely.  Kind of like the offers one gets with cable and satillite companies.  They give you a good rate, then goes up

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Has Your Car Insurance Increased?

[ Edited ]

Ours went up a little but it cost us more to insure one car here in NM than it did to insure out 2 cars in PA.   I check with AAA and Costco and both were higher than what we currently have.


I'll add that they all have the same 'blah, blah, blah' reasons for why it goes up.