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around you getting covid?  On MSNBC today Dr. Vin Gupta said now that school has opened in some high risk states that per capita more children are being hospitalized than adults.  Sad.


I guess we knew very little about effects of the virus on children until we had them go back to school.  Most other countries had the virus under control before they sent children out to school.

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

Yes, I live in NC, and at the end of last week they released figures:

As July winds to a close, 13,084 kids under the age of 17 have tested positive for COVID-19 in North Carolina. That’s 11% of the overall cases in North Carolina, which is almost double the 6% of overall cases that were children back in late May. 

Smiley Happy


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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

@BeeChee I guess I am behind the times on this.  It is the hospitalizations that worry me.  What are we doing to the children?

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

No. None of the children that I know that have gone back to school have gotten Covid.

None of the people that I know that are still working have gotten Covid.

The only person that I know that got Covid was my kids former pediatrician & he has recovered.

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

I live in SE PA and to date I do not know anyone who has contracted the virus.


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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

My 3 Nassau County, Long Island, NY grandchildren return to school tomorrow morning.  I'm very scared for them.


My DDIL, who is a NYC school teacher was supposed to return, but it got pushed back.


Both are hot spots.

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

I see children in my neighborhood playing together outside everyday and not from the same family.  They are playing basketball, riding skateboards, bikes, no mask, so I'm confused why they cannot go to school with safety precaustions. 

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

No. I do know two children who had it in the spring and recovered, but I have not heard of any other children getting it. I am very suspicious of this report. There have been hundreds of thousands of childcare centers that have been open throughout this pandemic without incident. Yes, you can find stories of exceptions here and there, but the vast majority of children are benefitting from interaction with their peers and the risks are extremely low. 


I am back in my classroom and loving it. 

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

Hey @BeeCee I'm from NC also.Bout hr. from beach! HEY
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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Children

As in some of the hard-hit areas in Europe and around the world, that have mostly resumed school,  schools in our area have been watching the data, and trying to learn from the experiences of others in their re-opening plans.


There's no "one-size-fits-all",  but a range of different options and contingency plans for different areas.  We were badly affected at the beginning of the virus, with Covid patients being routed right into nursing homes, causing the deaths of many frail older patients.  But since that fiasco, over time, the instances of new cases and the hospitalizations have been steadily declining.


I agree with the other parents who approve a thoughtful re-opening of schools, again with the ability to respond to conditions as they exist at any given time.