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after decades of enjoyment as a Sweet Adelines member, singing, performing and competing in numerous choruses and quartets, I had to resign. For those who don't know, involvement in barbershop singing is a consuming hobby. Or as any barbershopper will call it, our other life, lol. Stage makeup. Costumes covered in sequins and bling.Weekly rehearsals and many extras, some lasting all day. I have been a member of a large elite women's chorus for six months.Was thrilled to pass the multifaceted audition process. We have a world class, highly sought after director. (in his work life he directs the vocal singing groups at Disney World) A history of top ten placement at International competition. The four part à capella sound we make would blow your hair back. 🤩Why would I leave all this won̈derfulness you ask ?  Money! 🤑

Between the $60/mo dues, the high cost of travel and lodging, random fees that pop up...well on a fixed income I just can't make it work. DH supplements our fixed income with a part time job which is a blessing but it only stretches so far. 

Yesterday I had a wakeup call when an unplanned dental expense drained our savings acct. At my age that isn't the first and won't be the last unexpected expense. We have to pay our bills, prioritize  our financial obligations over a costly hobby. I'm sad because I'd  hoped I could make it all work. Happy, nostalgic and blessed to have enjoyed decades in this musical endeavor. Its been a pleasure! When I started in 1989, my kids were 5 and 2 yrs old. They called my chorus the Singing Ladies. Still called us that when they were adults lol 😊

If you have a chance to attend a barbershop show whether men or women, buy a ticket and GO! 

My season as a singIng lady has come to an end. Im hanging up my sequins with misty eyes and a smile. 🥰


P.S. this is in no way a tale of woe. Talking  about it and sharing, helps me process and keep it in perspective 👍

Harmonize the World
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@smoochy   I sincerely feel your pain.Smiley Indifferent


Maybe you could find a local Barbershop group.  No big shows, but you get to continue music and local show.





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Sometimes being responsible stinks, but you made the right decision, @smoochy.  

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@smoochy such a tough decision.  Have any of your performances been posted on youtube? 

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So sorry to hear that. Had not idea you were that talented. Such a blessing to have done all those wonderful adventures.  

It will get worse soon for so many. Medicare bill was signed yesterday to stop the negotiating of lower prescription prices so raised medication bills will be another burden.

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@cindyNC wrote:

@smoochy such a tough decision.  Have any of your performances been posted on youtube? 

yes many. You can check out the Michigan group I was in, type Grand Rapids Chorus in search bar. Or Toast of Tampa Show Chorus

Harmonize the World
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I am sorry you have been faced with a tough decision about something you clearly love.  Being older and/ or on a fixed income is hard. I do not think many folks understand unless they are in your place.  Congratulations on all that you have accomplished in being selected for the elite chorus. I am sure you will be missed!

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I'm so sorry you have to put an end to what gave you such happiness and inclusion, but you made the right call.


Your comments surprised me, as I didn't know there even were chorus competitions ....  OR the fact that these talented people are out of pocket for so much!


Not only do you have to be so talented to qualify, but that you pay for costumes, travel and lodging .... wow, IMO, that's just too much!  


IMO, you had a great run, and can savor the memories forever.  Heart

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@smoochy Singing together in an a capella group creates a special sense of community, so I can surely see how this is painful for you. I hope you will find a group you can join in your town, as suggested by @Zhills  I might also suggest looking for local "singing" churches. I have belonged to a "singing" church all my life as a Mennonite. A chorister once told me, "It's hard so stay mad at anyone you have to harmonize with every week."

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What a cool thing to be a part of. You should be proud.


Now onto your next big adventure! Onward and upward!Cat Very Happy



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