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Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

I was out shopping yesteday and alot of stores had Halloween out already. I saw alot of severed heads, arms and bloody everything. I liked the older stuff....bats...ghosts...jack-o-lanterns. Looks like this is the new trend for Halloween. Not much that I would put in my house with a 3 yr old granddaughter....

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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

With zombies being popular etc. I think we have become sadly a culture of death. 

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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

I love Halloween.  I enjoy and have many spooky decorations but do not like or purchase the bloody and gory.

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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

I'm old-school.  Pumpkins and ghots are about my limit!  I don't do gore or zombies.

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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

I have never been a fan of Halloween and Halloween decorations.

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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

I don't remember a time that scary/ bloody gross decorations were not sold.  They were popular back in the 60's , as I remember.


I don't purchase any Halloween stuff.  I prefer autumn decorations much better, but I don't have many of them either.   It's  just more stuff to store away most of the year.

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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

I decorate for Fall and Halloween combined. I have plenty of decorations for all holidays. I rarely buy anything new. I do like to do my window up most people here in the country do not do. But I dont care, I like to. Outside I will simply put real pumpkins and Mums from the Mennnote farm on the porch, pumpkin lights and decor in window. Wreath on door and decor here and there inside, not too much.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

[ Edited ]

Not a fan of Halloween or Halloween decorations. The tradtion, celebration, or whatever it is, is pointless.

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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......


Those have been out for years and in costumes, the gruesome line.  Ever since those movies. The boys used to wear them when my daughter was in elementary school.


Not my style, although I do like witches and vintage decorations Smiley Happy

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Halloween decorations getting too gruesome......

Love to decorate for the autumn season. However, my decorations are  cute and whimsical nothing scary or  gorey since most stay up until thanksgiving. I remove the Halloween and add more harvest. . Love  the mums and pumpkins.