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When I go to their site and try to access an item, I get this message along with a weird looking page.  "We use JavaScript to create the most functional website possible for our customers. JavaScript enables you to fully navigate and make a purchase on our site. If disabled the content or the functionality of the website can be limited or unavailable. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for the best possible experience. Thank you!"


Does anyone know what this means????

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@rms1954 Wish I had an answer for you but I just think the website is having technical difficulties this morning.  They haven't mentioned anything on air at all but I am having the same issues.  Too bad as they may lose sales from it.

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I'm not getting that message but I am unable to see items shown on previous hours, so I also think they are having problems.

Is this showing on the website via a browser or via an app?  If the latter, the problem might be with the app and it might need to be uninstalled and reinstalled.

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@Bookplate Browser and I even switched to a different one and it did the same thing.

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Whatever is was it seems to be fixed .... for now.

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@rms1954.  Why don't you call hsn and ask them?  I've never seen that message.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@rms1954 wrote:

When I go to their site and try to access an item, I get this message along with a weird looking page.  "We use JavaScript to create the most functional website possible for our customers. JavaScript enables you to fully navigate and make a purchase on our site. If disabled the content or the functionality of the website can be limited or unavailable. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for the best possible experience. Thank you!"


Does anyone know what this means????

@rms1954 here is how you can enable JavaScript on your browser depending on which one you use.


enable-javascript dot com

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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

@FLGators thanks. 

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HSN's website and their App was screwed up for hours this morning.  It seems to be working now.

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Working just fine for me now.