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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

On 3/11/2015 RedConvertibleGirl said:

NickNack - I don't recall you mentioning that. I'll have to give it a try. She takes 4 pills twice a day. It's frustrating because what works one day doesn't work the next, just like what she'll eat. You should see us after I feed her - we are both pretty much covered and I have to take a warm cloth over her (not easy getting food out of white fur), and change my clothes and rinse off. Ugh! Gotta do what I gotta do.

Nick took four pills twice a day, too. I just said four pills a day, but it was twice a day.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Hi RedConvertibleGirl…and NickNack…and Kachina624…hope I didn't forget anyone!

Thanks for the tip about taking Gracie's temp--and no, I have never done it. She seems to be back to herself--she ate last night's dinner and this morning's breakfast with gusto--she even "asked" for more chicken last night (when she's still hungry, she will bring me her treat ball--that means she wants more of whatever!)--which is a good sign. I also was able to see her poop in the back yard--and it looked normal from where I was standing--she isn't having smelly gas---all good signs. Maybe she just felt down in the dumps--or possibly the sound of the wind was bothering her--she hates any weather changes. I don't want to run up a vet bill for nothing--as long as she doesn't appear to be in distress--and doesn't have diarrhea or vomiting--there's no need for a vet. I hate it when I jump at every thing Gracie does that's out of her norm--but that's how I'm wired!

Today is the one year anniversary of my Mom's passing (it's also my brother's 54th birthday--it really stunk that she passed on his special day!). Been feeling so sad--I think I'm still stunned that she died! I miss her very much--we would speak twice a day--I still find myself reaching for the phone to tell her something. Tough day for me and my brother.

Hope your angel is doing well, RedConvertibleGirl---my prayers continue!!

God Bless,


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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Gracie's Mom, My condolences on the loss of your mom. I know what you mean about wanting to talk to her. I lost mine in 2003, and there are so many juicy, gossipy things I'd love to tell her. It's very frustrating. Moms are very special.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Gracie's Mom, I'm so sorry that you lost your mother. I lost my mother in 2000, and I still think about her all the time and miss her.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Gracie's Mom - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Very understandable how you're feeling today. {#emotions_dlg.sad} And yes, I can imagine it would be hard for your brother since it is his birthday. {{HUGS}} to you both.

It's so hard to lose a parent. We're coming up on the 3rd anniversary of the passing of my dad. It seems like only yesterday he was still with us.


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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

All three of you--RedConvertibleGirl, NickNack and Kachina624--are so very sweet!! Thank you for your condolences--and telling me about your experience regarding the loss of a parent--at least I know I'm not abnormal to still miss my Mom! Oh my goodness, Kachina624--you are exactly right when you said that it's frustrating when you have juicy, gossipy things to tell your Mom, but you can't---my feelings exactly!!!!!

I was raised by my Mom, Grandma and Aunt (my Aunt had Down's Syndrome and had a heart of gold)--my Dad died when I was four. Grandma died in 2005 at the age of 100. My Aunt died in 2012 because the nursing home she was living in missed the signs that she was having a massive stroke--she died 6 months later. Once she died, my Mom felt she had no reason to live--she was dedicated to her mother and sister--and once they were gone, she gave up. My Mom fell in her house right after I told her my cancer had recurred--she broke her arm, leg and ribs. She came through a long surgery to fix her arm and leg, but she had to go into rehab--she refused to cooperate with the physical therapists--my brother and I had no choice but to place her into a nursing home. The nursing home was wonderful--run by nuns. However, after being there for less than a year, my Mom aspirated her breakfast one morning, got pneumonia, then became septic and died ten days later. So I lost my whole family with a few years--all of the special women in my life. Thank goodness I have my hubby and my brother (who is now in the process of getting a divorce--another long story!).

Sorry if this is so long--I felt like telling you all about my family--and why I feel so sad right now.

God Bless,


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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Ahhhh...... {#emotions_dlg.sad} I wished we lived close, I'd sit down and gossip with you.

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Oh, RedConvertibleGirl, what a nice thing to say!! I wish we liver closer, too--wouldn't it wonderful to sit and chat over a pot of coffee (or tea)? I miss that. I have a few close girlfriends, but everyone lives far from me. We moved to our area almost 30 years ago because that was the only place we could afford to buy a house--but the price we paid was that we were far away from family and friends. If we had to do it over again, we would have done things differently--we would not have moved so far away from everyone. It became a hardship--especially when those we love got sick. I could not be there for my Mom, Grandma or Aunt when they needed me-especially after I had major surgery--or was undergoing radiation treatments--I could not travel--so I missed spending precious time with them all. And yes, I still feel guilty about that--but I can't change what happened.Thank goodness for the four terrific girlfriends I have--they all live a distance from me--but we stay in touch almost daily. Still, it's not like talking face-to-face--or meeting to have lunch and go shopping--it's all e-mails and phone chatting. They have been a comfort to me in all of the bad stuff that has happened--I know they have my back--and would travel up to me in a second if I asked them. I am blessed in that regard. Oh, don't mind me today----I'm in a nostalgic phase right now----sorry to go on and on like this-----I have a candle lit for my Mom, next to her wedding picture with my father---I light it on her birthday (March 24) and on the day she died (yesterday).

How is your angel today??????

Gracie was hesitant about eating her breakfast, but that was my fault. I cleaned out her ears before I fed her--and she hates anyone touching her ears--so she was skittish--but eventually she cleaned her plate. She;s been shaking her head the last few days--but I don't see much gunk in her ears at all--maybe it's allergies? I put some leftover ear drops in her ears anyway, just in case--that seemed to quell the head shaking. I really want to avoid a vet visit--just cannot afford the $100+ he will charge for an exam and more ear drops. Her left ear has always been a problem--it's a chronic thing that flares up during the spring and fall.

Hope you are having a pleasant day--it's been raining here.

God Bless,


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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Gracies Mom,

I hope today finds you in better spirits. We're similar in a lot of ways. I moved away from my family after graduating high school. It's a good 2 1/2 hour drive to get there, and in the winter forget it! So unfortunately we don't visit as often as I would like. We also recently moved further away from friends. It's within driving distance, but we just crave peace and quiet and had to get away from the toxic environment we were in. We are SO not city people or suburbs people. We're fairly secluded now, and the kids have a big fenced yard. We are all happier!

It was vet appointment yesterday - physical and blood work. He called this morning to say everything is good. White cells are good so no need for the antibiotics. Liver enzymes still high, as I suspect they will continue to be while she's on chemo and prednisone. Creatinine on the high side of normal but he said it's acceptable. Of course, the oncologist is the "team leader" and what she says goes, but I hope we don't have to start fluids 3 times a week.

She also weighed in at 20.0 lb!!!! OMG that was so good to see. When I brought her home all those years ago she weighed under 16 and I struggled to get her to 17, then struggled ever since to keep her at 17 while trying to get her to weight more still. 17 really is too small for her, but 20 is great. So obviously I must be getting some calories in her. She actually ate some canned food on her own the other day. Hooray! And she picked at her dry food (and I mean PICKED - just a few pieces).

So I'm doing the happy dance today because things are going well. Pray that it stays this way for a long, long time.

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Re: Gracie'sMom - Biopsy Results

Good Morning RedConvertibleGirl!

So happy that you are getting only good news about your angel baby--WOOHOO!!!!!!!All positives--her weight gain and acceptable blood work results--how wonderful!!!!!!! Between her smart and caring vets--and her loving Mommy--plus prayers to St Francis---OF COURSE she's doing well!!!!!!!! I will continue my prayers--that goes without saying. Please keep me updated on her progress!!

You were smart not to stay in a toxic environment--I can appreciate that. I'm glad you found a place where you (and your family) are happier--even though it is far from those you care about. It's important you do things to make your life easier and comfortable--I found that out the hard way--I don't try to please others before pleasing myself anymore.All that comes from life experience and mistakes made, of course!

Yes, I am in better spirits--but am still grieving for my Mom daily. It's a slow healing process and I have to be patient with myself.

Go enjoy your angel-baby--give her hugs and nuzzles from me and Gracie!

God Bless,
