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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@stevieb   Cut & paste Marp's link.

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@Marp wrote:

@Mellyg,  you could try posting the URL without making it a live link.




Thank you; you are a superstar! That works! 


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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

I just signed up!  I hope many will sign up over there....

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@stevieb wrote:

@Carmie @Mellyg I agree about the notion of the name chosen not making a direct reference to QVC. If things are up and running we can ensure those interested in migrating over know where to go but I, for one, see no reason to give QVC name recognition after the stunt they've pulled. Moreover, given the way they seem to be functioning these days, one wonders if at some point they would choose to get nasty about their name being used. I would also suggest that if this comes about that forums relating specifically to QVC and vendors specific to QVC not be replicated, but I also realize some won't favor that idea. They don't want us, they don't respect us and so to the extent possible I suggest severing all ties to Qurate.

I had not thought of the name recognition when I posted in another thread about using the letter Q. in the name of the group.  You are right about not referring to them.  After considering it more I think the vast majority of us would just know which forum is the former Q. group in a new venue.  I would hope by our names or something similar.

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@haddon9  How do I sign up? I went to the Pro boards website & you can't create an account without creating a forum? What am I missing here?🤷‍♀️ Thanks.

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

I'm another who went to Wisteria Lane late yesterday, signed on and browsed for a little bit. Very messy site, IMO. This morning, I decided to go back, my password wouldn't work, emailed for a new one, went through that process again, couldn't find any of the posts from yesterday, logged off, tried logging on again. Same thing, password wouldn't work. I'm done there, who needs all that hassle for a site you can't even navigate through, much less log on and off without a bunch of nonsense.
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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@haddon9  I went to proboardsdotcom and couldn't figure out how to sign up. On the left it said to create an account to create a free forum, but that does not allow me to have a Login.


Could someone please give details on how to create an account at proboards?


Someone said they did so under QVC. When I was at the proboards site, I entered qvc as a forum search, and there were zero results.

Can someone please give details to clarify for me?



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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@NicksmomESQ   @Desert Lily   Someone posted this earlier, and that is how I signed up.

You can register here


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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@Mellyg  there is another Pro Board going and the person said they have also registered.  Don't know if that person got the info from here but the info is the same.

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Re: Go to proboards dot com and start another community

@Desert Lily wrote:

@haddon9  I went to proboardsdotcom and couldn't figure out how to sign up. On the left it said to create an account to create a free forum, but that does not allow me to have a Login.


Could someone please give details on how to create an account at proboards?


Someone said they did so under QVC. When I was at the proboards site, I entered qvc as a forum search, and there were zero results.

Can someone please give details to clarify for me?



@Desert Lily wrote:

@haddon9  I went to proboardsdotcom and couldn't figure out how to sign up. On the left it said to create an account to create a free forum, but that does not allow me to have a Login.


Could someone please give details on how to create an account at proboards?


Someone said they did so under QVC. When I was at the proboards site, I entered qvc as a forum search, and there were zero results.

Can someone please give details to clarify for me?



@Desert Lily , the forum is waiting approval (which is why it isn't showing up). Marp posted a link to the chat area (that works while waiting approval). Hopefully that works! 

@Snicks1 I found wisteria lane to be clumsy and distracting too. Especially compared to how user friendly and streamlined this one is!