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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

Maybe it's just me, but if I felt so stifled by a message board, I would skedaddle.

And I think a lot of people have.  Not sure what the reason but these board for the most part are a shell of what they used to be.  I notice a lot of missing posters or posters who are barely here anymore.

Yes, a lot of good posters have left and others post far less often than they used to.  There was a big exodus after these forums were changed, and that's continued in bits and pieces.  It definitely is just a shell of what it used to be, and it's unfortunate that a lot of people have left - but I totally understand why they did.  (I left for awhile myself.)


I remember back in the day finding lots of interesting topics to choose from all the time.  Now I often have to search for something that's not mind-numbingly bland and basic.  There definitely are some interesting topics here, but at times they're few and far between, and far less numerous than they used to be.


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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

I think if everyone was included in the conversation people would feel less disenfranchised and less likely to hit the button.  


No I am not talking about myself. I do not feel disenfranchised. 


I think of people who have said they are invisible and no one ever acknowledges their posts and then occasionally someone will come along and post something nearly identical and they are hailed as the new fount of wisdom.  haha, funny! Smiley Very Happy


I just find it hard to believe that one of the mod's duties is to check every single link for sidebars.  




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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

I haven't read all of the replies, but:

Moderation is probably a good thing.

Things can get 'out of hand' in no time at all.

'Round and round', etc., etc.

Then, all of a sudden, it's not very relaxing.

Better to be somewhat relaxed and fairly un-stressed.  Better for our general health, imo.

Plenty of other places to visit and post whatever we want.


'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I totally agree that host bashing should not be allowed. 


The host is still a person; if the Q feels the employee needs to be more polished then the Q will handle it.


The remarks made are just mean; and are not going to to a darn thing to change the person.


There is absolutely no reason to be nasty.  Even if the host leaves we STILL get threads about them.  And/or end up with the newest pick of the day.


It isn't always about that particular host; some posters just have to have a host to pick apart.


One leaves, the bash hammer gets passed on to a different host.

Not every criticism of a host is bashing though.  There are some posters that get so upset when anything negative is said about a host, they go off the rails. 

@Lipstickdiva  Oh I agree not every comment is bashing.  The Alberti thread has nice comments (last I looked) e.g.


We all know the difference, really,  If you around for poor Patti Riley you would know what I mean.


Heck, some go off the rails if you don't like Temptations never mind a host.  LOL

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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

There is several topics i would like to discuss, but we can not.

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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

[ Edited ]

The boards are what they are and, for the most part, they're adequate. I personally preferred the boards before so much content became as proscribed as it now has, when board guidelines were less rigid than they are currently and before the monitoring became as intrusive as it now is, but, as noted, it is what it is... I do occasionally miss the ignore feature and thought it was easier to find posts one might be seeking on the old boards...



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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

@SeaMaiden@I just wish that the people who didn’t care to read about certain topics just  passed them by...we used to be able to discuss much more interesting topics.

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Re: Getting very hard to discuss any subject here anymore...

[ Edited ]

It seems the revised Q guidelines and the monitoring somehow miss the boat. It's as if they strive for boards that are never 'unkind' or 'argumentative' but are consistently 'nice' and somewhat bland. Why? Life isn't like that. I get it that these boards are supported by a retail shopping site and so I'm sure they'd prefer we focus on merchandise, but board content has gone a little far afield of that for years now... Related, I also think they're sometimes precipitous in taking down a thread. I just went to visit one on which I participated and found it 'moved' (what they really mean is removed) because it had become 'argumentative'. Fine, it had, if marginally so, but the thread had essentially wrapped up anyway, so what's the harm in letting it stand. Moreover, there are a handful of posters on these boards that are sure to pick fights, incite arguments, and are often involved when threads bite the dust and yet they either don't care or never seem to catch on that they're instigators or maybe they want to be... It's like they just can't control themselves. They fail to recognize that their opinions aren't the only ones and that the conclusions they sometimes jump to aren't always well formulated...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...