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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@shoekitty wrote:

I don't think Jada Pinkett Smith and Will are as respected and loved in Hollywood circles as they think, LOL, or as many think.!  They might be more feared, as they do have a lot of clout on certain things and they are stinkin wealthy, They live the high life for sure..  IMO they both are arrogant, and self serving.  Not Will as much, but she is.  She doesn't make a move if there isn't a dollar at the end of it.  That is entirely my opinion, and just stuff I heard. 


My GD is a member of SAG, and does recieve all the screeners. She votes on some movies, but not Best picture. or best actress, etc. There is a strong move to the "ethnic" look in commercials, but IDK if the movie industry is there yet.  Movies are so expensive no one is willing to take a chance on an unknown.  If you notice about the only movies that get to theaters are thos on the A list or at least B+ list.  It is all about money.

Of course it's all about the money ......   I think a determining factor may be just WHO is going to see these movies ..... if the movie goers are predominantly white, then I'm sure that the casts will be predominantly white.  I'm sure someone is calculating who is going to the movies ... and the focus is in the 18 to 45 age group.


As for diversity, when flipping channels with the remote, when ever I hit BET, everyone is black.   Where's the diversity there?



I just read the study on that which concluded there was a lack of representation of non-whites. 44 percent of ticket buyers are other than white.  I can look for the kink tomorrow, I don't know how to do that on the iPad.  


Out of the top 100 films of just a couple of years ago, 10 percent of speaking roles were African American.

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

An interesting fact from the same study said Latina women have been the most sexualized, less clothing, etc.  Asian women the least.

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

So what are we going to do?  Assign percentages for nominations of awards, players on sports teams, music awards and recordings, and on and on?  And then what if most of the people involved are of one race or another?  One religion?  Etc? 


Are we people or are we statistics?  And will the statistics come to rule us all?  Oklahomans do really fantastic on CMA awards, not so much on Academiy Awards.  Should that be a problem?  And lots of people are discriminated against for lots of things--where we come from, how we talk, what you weigh, where you went to school, etc.?  I'm not saying it is appropriate or a good thing or overlooked, BUT lots of US are shut out of lots of things for different reasons.


You can't mandate it and make it go away.  Sometimes if you can't get it, you have to figure out why and what you can do to really change it.  Poor white trash has some big hills to climb to get there too.  I'm just saying ALL OF US are guilty in one way or another of setting ourselves apart from others--and until that changes, and WE change, you can't make it better.  And in my heart of hearts, I think change AND acceptance has to be won from both sides.  


I'm not just talking about the awards here I'm talking about how we ALL get along together. In a perfect world. . . 

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

I think that some people here fail to see what this is all about. It is not just about Black Actors not being nominated, it is about Minority which includes Hispanic, Asian, etc.......Read what George Clooney had to say about the matter, it is not so much about being nominated as it is about there being enough roles and enough minority atos getting these roles to even compete for an Oscar, a Golden Globe,etc......He said it best, years ago, there were plenty of minority actors being nominated, now in the last 2 years we have again moved backwards instead of forward........I recently watched a panel of highly successful and highly paid actresses being interviewd, and what I found so very interesting is that most of them feel that after 40 or 45 years old, there are few roles for women, and it gets worse the older you get, so it is not just about color, although that is what Jada is making it out to be, it goes a little deeper......Read a little about what the big stars of Hollywood are saying about this matter-maybe it will open your eyes a little more and you can see if from another side just a bit more!!!!!!! 

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

[ Edited ]


I think that some people here fail to see what this is all about. It is not just about Black Actors not being nominated, it is about Minority which includes Hispanic, Asian, etc.......Read what George Clooney had to say about the matter, it is not so much about being nominated as it is about there being enough roles and enough minority atos getting these roles to even compete for an Oscar, a Golden Globe,etc......He said it best, years ago, there were plenty of minority actors being nominated, now in the last 2 years we have again moved backwards instead of forward........I recently watched a panel of highly successful and highly paid actresses being interviewd, and what I found so very interesting is that most of them feel that after 40 or 45 years old, there are few roles for women, and it gets worse the older you get, so it is not just about color, although that is what Jada is making it out to be, it goes a little deeper......Read a little about what the big stars of Hollywood are saying about this matter-maybe it will open your eyes a little more and you can see if from another side just a bit more!!!!!!! 

Sometimes there are acting opportunities for minorities yet they get filled by non-minorities. For example Emma Stone was cast as an Asian American (part Asian/Pacific Islander). I'm not sure why this happened when there are a number of wonderful Asian American actresses available for hire. 

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

There are a ton of American and English black actors that appear in TV series that never get a nod because it is in shows like the Walking Dead. These are dramatic roles that never get noticed and nobody including Mrs. Smith fail to acknowledge. Instead as long as shows like Scandal or other shows from Shonda Rhimes get noticed then people seem happy. Walking Dead employs a lot of ethnic actors and not one peep from society or Hollywood.


So why seem fazed then that actors like Idris Elba (who has always been a talented actor way before the morons in Hollywood noticed) get no noms?  


Not for nothing I do think as far as best actor this year is going to Leo D. I think for whatever reason he has been passed over it is finally his time.



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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

[ Edited ]

Another trend in movie casting is more additions of international stars, done to help bolster movie goer attendance worldwide.   It can be very complicated for producers .....  they always want the cast that will draw the most people to the theaters.

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

@60sgirl wrote:

@croemer wrote:

But there has been many in the last..what...10 years. It should be based on the best...that year.

WHAT????? Something that makes sense? Surely that can't be right.


On The View today Whoopie was just so mad she got into a fight with another co-host and told people not to email her or text her cause she just doesn't care.


Whoopie was complaining that no black actors are given parts. Huh? Since when? Didn't 12 years a slave win many awards? She makes no sense at all. If a movie is a biographical or semibiographical movie say about someone like Erin Brockovich, would she demand a black actress get the part? I just don't understand these comments.


Michelle brought up movies made last year that didn't get nominated like Straight Outta Compton. that is an all black cast. Yet, are any of those actors in the same league or have the same credentials as some of the nominated actors like Leo? He's paid his dues over and over and still hasn;t won, yet how many people even heard of the actors in this movie?  Don't they have to earn it too? 


Remember when Marlon Brando boycotted the awards and sent Sacheen Littlefeather in his place? He got roundly booed for that. Nowadays people boycotting to make a stand, get applauded. How times have changed. 

Yeah I saw that tangent Whoops went on.  And she didn't get into a fight with her cohosts, she said "I have to sit and listen to you talk about God, you can listen to me talking about movies."

It was rude--the cohosts were just trying to move on, you should only discuss one subject for so long.  

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

Not to move off topic, but what is a "fresh prince" supposed to be?    I never saw the show, partly because the name of the show sounded so odd.

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Re: Fresh Prince Mom goes off on Jada

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

Not to move off topic, but what is a "fresh prince" supposed to be?    I never saw the show, partly because the name of the show sounded so odd.

I have no clue, but the song was very catchy!!!!!!!!! The show was pretty funny too.....