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Very interesting .... I love old coins.  If you haven't already done so, do a search on ebay for this coin and see what comes up.  You can also search completed listings to see what has and hasn't sold ... and for how much.

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Posts: 14,783
Registered: ‎03-15-2014

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

Do stores in the United States accept Canadian currency as payment? 

No, they don't.  At today's rate, one Canadian dollar is worth only US $0.77.  I grew uo near the Canadian border and it wasn't unusual to see Canadian coins in your pocket change.  That was a bummer - it couldn't be spent (unless we took a day trip to the Canadian side of the border).

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,204
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

@ValuSkr wrote:

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

Do stores in the United States accept Canadian currency as payment? 

No, they don't.  At today's rate, one Canadian dollar is worth only US $0.77.  I grew uo near the Canadian border and it wasn't unusual to see Canadian coins in your pocket change.  That was a bummer - it couldn't be spent (unless we took a day trip to the Canadian side of the border).


I live a bit farther from the Canadian border. So on occasion you would get a Canadian penny, nickel, dime or quarter in our change. I guess I saw it more often because I worked for a time in retail and was on the register much of the time. They were the same size as the US coins.


And since the coins were in the register when you made change, the coins would just be passed on. 


That is why I have so many Canadian $20 bills. I can only get rid of them in Canada. And we used to go to Canada all the time. We used to go to the Expos games.