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Re: Florida hit a new record today

@Blahblahvampemer, I've read your posts for years. That is all I have to say except that I hope you stay healthy.



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Re: Florida hit a new record today

@JaneMarple,  so not worth it.  The end result will be a closed or poofed thread.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Florida hit a new record today

Here in Texas they opened the bars way too soon and have closed them again. Today the Gov. ordered masks statewide when out in public. It’s about time, but almost impossible to enforce. Warnings will be given first, then a $200 fine for second offense; how in the world can they keep up with that? No groups of more than 10 people. Smh. I just want to stay home and away from selfish people who don’t care if they spread whatever they have to others. Mayors in neighboring towns say they won’t enforce the mask order. I just don’t get it.
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Re: Florida hit a new record today

@chickenbutt wrote:

So much winning.



You made me laugh out loud even though this is just so awful.



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Re: Florida hit a new record today

[ Edited ]

lot @suzyQ3 wrote:

@germanshepherdlove wrote:

Inside Edition said while flying to wear a hoodie to cover yourself as much as possible and then wear both a face mask and a face shield with your hood up.  As far as luggage goes, only take a carry on.  Wipe it down everywhere including the wheels if your carry on has wheels when you reach your destination.  The real shocker was go into the airport bathroom as soon as you land and wash your face including your nostrils. Remove your hoodie and place it into a plastic bag for laundering when you get to your destination.  

You know what, @germanshepherdlove, if it takes all that that not to get infected, which I tend to believe, I wouldn't fly unless it was incredible emergency.

A friend's husband had to go to a funeral in another state and thought there might be some sort of nod by the airline to distancing.  His flight out was packed and middle seats were occupied as usual.


The flight back was crowded but the crew told passengers they could move their seat if they wanted to before they took off.  Not a whole lot of options.


He also said the airports were jam packed.


What virus?

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Re: Florida hit a new record today

[ Edited ]

No one should be pointing to TX, especially since Lindsey Rosales, their Department of State Health Services spokesmouth, just let the pesky cat of the bag:

"Health officials in Texas are logging every Covid-19 positive hospital patient as a Covid-19 hospitalization, even if the patients themselves are admitted seeking treatment for something other that the coronavirus.

There you have it. We KNOW they're manipulating causes of deaths. Hospitals are testing patients admitted for surgery, a host of illnesses...anything. And now if they test positive, it's a Covid-19 hospitalization."

Clearly, the low hospitalization/death numbers relative to positive test results were getting in the way of The Narrative.

Educate yourselves.

What worries you masters you.
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Re: Florida hit a new record today

@Moonlady wrote:

No one should be pointing to TX, especially since Lindsey Rosales, their Department of State Health Services spokesmouth, just let the pesky cat of the bag:

"Health officials in Texas are logging every Covid-19 positive hospital patient as a Covid-19 hospitalization, even if the patients themselves are admitted seeking treatment for something other that the coronavirus.

There you have it. We KNOW they're manipulating causes of deaths. Hospitals are testing patients admitted for surgery, a host of illnesses...anything. And now if they test positive, it's a Covid-19 hospitalization."

Clearly, the low hospitalization/death numbers relative to positive test results were getting in the way of The Narrative.

Educate yourselves.

@Moonlady,  you lost any credibility with the "spokesmouth": slur.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Florida hit a new record today

@Moonlady  I'd like to confirm that I understand what you are saying. 


So if a patient goes in for say a scheduled knee replacement, and they test for covid (because they are testing everyone before any procedure) and it's are saying they shouldn't count that in the positive covid hospitalization cases? 


If I understood you correctly, then what the heck? Do you understand what all has to happen inside the hospital once a patient is identified as positive? They can't be just treated as regular old knee replacement patient anymore. 

Please educate yourself


And, if I didn't understand what you were saying correctly, then you can kindly disregard.

Whatever gets you through the night; it's alright, it's alright. It's your money or your life; it's alright, it's alright---John Lennon
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Re: Florida hit a new record today

What @Moonlady said is true.  It was stated in one of our local newspapers.


"Two people went in for emergency appendectomies, tested positive for Covid.......quickly swept away to the Covid floor after surgery!"



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m Re: Florida hit a new record today

I'm no longer going "OMG" and pointing fingers; I'd be doing that all day. There is enough stupidity all over the US; if there is a beach around, it's mobbed. If there's an outdoor bar with water nearby, it's mobbed. You have idiots holding parties to see who gets covid first. You have airlines that are stuffing people in as if no virus is around. To ME, it's proof that NOBODY gives a rip OTHER than for themselves.  We've proven it to the world in spades. Let's not let the UK off the hook, btw. They are NO BETTER in this disgusting show of the finger.


People, protect yourself. Do whatever you need to do to keep you and yours safe. We head down to Florida in 14 days. I'll lock myself in the house away from DH, my son (who is to return to school on 8/10) and live my life as a hermit till it's safe to come out. What a freaking wonderful life. Not.

*Four Seasons once again*