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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

Same here.  Along with the firepits on both sides of my home and another behind me.  My house smells like burning firewood.  I hate it. 


I don't think we need the loud displays just to celebrate the birth of our nation.  People just take advantage of the situation.

"Never water yourself down just because someone can't handle you 100% proof."
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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

All fireworks, including the so called "safe and sane" are banned in our city and surrounding county. One spark from one firework and the whole town could go up. We have very little water to fight fires and the land is tinder dry. 

We have been evacuated twice due to fires. We were lucky both times and had a home  standing when we returned.

I do call the police if I can identify where they are coming from. 

Shorty, I hope the police came and made an impression.


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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

Karnerblue, I too hate the smoke from all the fire pits and how it comes in my house when I try to have the windows open at night to cool down.
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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

I so agree with all of that. I'd like to find these people. They clearly are breaking the law to begin with. There's 1 day to celebrate, not all the days these people have been doing this in the surrounding neighborhoods. Our poor animals, in and out of the house. We've had a baby deer and her mom in the area. Poor little baby must be scared to death too.


But all these sale places pop up all around the places. Wish the police could do something.

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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

We have a Vietnam Veteran friend who gets flashbacks when people are setting off the loud ones........

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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

We have a vacation place and they start setting them off Memorial day and most weekends there are some set off.  The 4th is the worst and these places are older and some have just tarpaper on the roofs.  It's scary.


As for the legal shows, just think of all the good that could be done with the money spent on these displays.

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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

@Kellin wrote:
It is ONE night, besides New Years - where some go a little crazy and light fireworks. No, I let it go!

Its not just one night. Its been going on here all week. I will go on next week too until they have used up their supply

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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

@Kellin wrote:
It is ONE night, besides New Years - where some go a little crazy and light fireworks. No, I let it go!

It's not one night around here. People shoot off firecrackers at least a week before and a week after the 4th. Yes, there are "laws" in place, but they are not enforced. 


People who blow off firecrackers and rockets are inconsiderate. Not only does it terrorize many pets and wildlife but also veterans who are struggling with PTSD. Those kind of "toys" are dangerous. Just last summer a local weatherman lost his eye in such an incident. And with everything being so dry, especially out west, there is a real risk for fires. 


There are better ways to celebrate. If you must light up the night, get some sparklers. Many municipalities have a fireworks display that are better controlled than people playing with gunpowder in their backyards. 


That's my two cents. 

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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

[ Edited ]

We once returned home from vacation to find a note on our front door saying "I burned a hole in your roof, so sorry, I will pay for the damages." Our next door neighbor had been setting off fireworks in our driveway and one went up on the roof and caught it on fire. A lot of damage and getting it repaired was a lot of inconvience for us, even though it didn't cost us anything. Also, an item that was of great sentimental value to me was ruined and no amount of money could replace it.

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Re: Fed up already (illegal fireworks)

@Kellin wrote:
It is ONE night, besides New Years - where some go a little crazy and light fireworks. No, I let it go!


Fireworks can and has caused MAJOR damage. The SMOKE is not good for anyone or for the environment. Plus, animals get frightened, and those with PTSD from being in combat get freaked out. So, NO, letting it go is not the answer.