@gertrudecloset wrote:
@BlueFinch wrote:
@Nancy Drew It's not too hard to understand. Kanye is mentally ill, with altered thought processes. He's lost billions of dollars because of his illogical, impulsive, bipolar rants. No sane person would do such a thing?
His tribe of followers (and die hard fans) aren't helping. His life is spiraling out of control. But, as mentally ill is as he clearly is, his words matter and can incite haters looking for anyone to validate their beliefs.
Seems too many people today are looking for someone to follow. That makes for dangrous times.
@BlueFinch No he's not mentally ill.....he said that was a misdiagnosis. Besides, since when does the mentally ill = vile hatred? They don't go together. That's an excuse to make his reprehensible behavior more palatable.
Meanwhile, there are reports of him settling lawsuits from years and years ago where he did the same thing. Today's news if you care to look. He's been doing this under the cover and none of us have been the wiser. That's not mental illness. That's hatred that is misplaced and ill informed.
@gertrudecloset Kanye said he was misdiagnosed? Are you serious? That's a common denial from biopolar patients. They are the hardest to direct toward medication compliance.
I didn't say mentallyi ill = vile hatred. I said he had altered thought processes. His pressured, rambling thoughts are likely leading him to say inappropriate things, with no boudaries. And, no, it's not an excuse, but does explain some of his behaviors.
Would he be a hateful person without bipolar? Yes, that's very possible. But, it seems he's had bipolar disorder for many years, so it's no surprise he's done the same things in the past when out of control.
If you think he's not mentally ill, you're entitled to your opinion. I have mine. It's almost textbook. We have to disagree.