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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

Update from State of New Jersey Attorney General:



“Law enforcement will be increasing patrols in sensitive areas,” Attorney General Matt Platkin said in a statement. “Some of these patrols will be in marked vehicles and others will not -- but please do not be alarmed if you observe an increase in police presence as we are taking these steps in an abundance of caution.”

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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

I pray there is tremendous security around the schools as well.


This is so frightening.

"My desire to be well informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane."
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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

@skatting44 wrote:

 Threats and acts of violence has been going on for sometime. Remember the Rabi that was stabbed in NYC when he answered his door  and a stranger  ran in his house. What abt the people in that deli in Philadelphia that were shot along with a police officer .

 What abt colleges that are outright  demonstrating discrimination.


 All these people preaching Tollerance need to practice what they preach !

I believe it was in a suburb of NYC and someone was killed.....

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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

For anyone sincerely interested, in addition to the Jerusalem Post and Hillel International sources that I cited, there is a long, depressing trail of information about campus antisemitism, which has flourished in recent years.  

For a start, a few articles can be searched that may be enlightening:


"Schooled in Hate:  Antisemitism On Campus"   Anti-Defamation League


"New Survey Sheds Light on Antisemitsm on College Campuses in America"     PBS   12/16/21


The Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University  is another good source for a report issued in 2015.


Antisemitism is a hideous blight that has erupted throughout history, from every quarter.   It can't be siloed into one group, or one era.  In my humble opinion, the farther away we get from seeing others as created, unique individuals, like ourselves, and not as faceless members of a group, the more opportunity for bigotry of all kinds.    

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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

@golding76 wrote:

Oznell, colleges and universities are hardly the hotbed of antisemitism.


Did you get a glance at the goons in Charlottesville?  A few of their leaders might have had some college under their belt, but typically those who buy into prejudice are not that well educated.


Education typically broadens the mind, therefore allowing one to understand and accept others who are different from you.  


And let's throw education aside.  All one needs is an "understanding heart."



I am so sorry but they are.  Some of the major universities in California, NJ, NY and Boston want Jews banned from the campus.  These are students and professors, the reason the new ruling from SCOTUS on stopping discrimination on college campuses.  Maybe you did not know it but that is where it is coming from:  college professors and it trickles down to the students who get their way.

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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

I'l never understand Kanye went he lost it. Right by In spitting distance from where he lives in Hidden Hills on Valley Circle is Saint Bernadine's Chatholic church and right behind them, they practically share a parking lot on a hill is Temple Aliyah. For 30 years the pastors and rabbi have guest hosted each other in service. On fair weekends they share equipment. They have come together beautiful in friendship. I was proud of that. 

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

It's good that a warning has been issued and security added, but the fact remains, that this type of security coverage for multiple Synagogues is not sustainable over time.


When the threats seems less likely to be carried out security will loosen. Sadly, these things happen when least expected, not when there is a public alert.


Very sad, unpredictable times. At the rate of escalation, it's hard to see a way out of this mess. 

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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

@Oznell wrote:

For anyone sincerely interested, in addition to the Jerusalem Post and Hillel International sources that I cited, there is a long, depressing trail of information about campus antisemitism, which has flourished in recent years.  

For a start, a few articles can be searched that may be enlightening:


"Schooled in Hate:  Antisemitism On Campus"   Anti-Defamation League


"New Survey Sheds Light on Antisemitsm on College Campuses in America"     PBS   12/16/21


The Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University  is another good source for a report issued in 2015.


Antisemitism is a hideous blight that has erupted throughout history, from every quarter.   It can't be siloed into one group, or one era.  In my humble opinion, the farther away we get from seeing others as created, unique individuals, like ourselves, and not as faceless members of a group, the more opportunity for bigotry of all kinds.    

@Oznell I agree with you.  Antisemitism has gotten really bad in recent years on many major college campuses.

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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

I vaguely remember an attack& hostage  taking  in 1977 at B' nai  B'rith headquarters in Washington DC  by Hamaas Abdul Khaalis .


This targeting of Jewish people has been going on for a long time . Attacks must come to an end .  People need to be allowed to live in peace

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Re: FBI Has Just Announced Threats Against Synagogues in New Jersey

@Shelbelle wrote:

@gertrudecloset wrote:

@Shelbelle wrote:

@gertrudecloset wrote:

@Shelbelle wrote:

My family member was killed in 2018 in the Pittsburgh Synogogue shootings, enough!!

Despicable.  I'm sorry for your loss.  No human being should be left to the whims of maniacs "just because."  THIS IS NOT RATIONAL behavior.  

Thanks so much to all who offered their sincere sympathies, as far as I know the shooter is still in prison and has not yet gone to trial for killing 11 innocent people. 

Why didn't they just kill him @Shelbelle ?

They just took him into custody, they know he is guilty.  He snuck into the bldg just prior to the start of the service.

I understand @Shelbelle .  Like the African Americans who opened their church services and hearts to the man that turned around and shot them all FOR NO REASON AT ALL.  Disgusting irrational behavior.  He should be dead too as far as I'm concerned.


I wish you well on your continued journey of healing.  

A Negative Mind ~ Will give you a Negative Life