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Expecting severe weather overnight

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Ok, I admit it, I'm very nervous.


The hurricane is going to come through North Georgia as a tropical storm overnight.  Wind gusts in my area 60-70 mph. 2-6 inches of rain.  Starting at around 2 AM. (Of course). They are  expecting power outages and downed trees.  

I have a brand new roof, not really tested yet and another roof corner board and siding repair to fix another leak, just completed last Friday. 

Two major leaks and damage in the house from these issues.  Part of dining room and laundry room walls are still torn out, waiting for repairs after we get a few good rains to make sure nothing leaks.  

I am on pins and needles.  We have already had rain. 6 inches in a short amount of time could flood the basement.  

It is going to be a long night. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

@gidgetgh   Yes it is going to be a windy night here.  I hope it doesn't do too much damage. I have a tree in my front yard that I need to take down just waiting to save up the money.  For me $1500 is a lot of money.

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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

I'm about 2 hours north of you and expecting the same @gidgetgh. Local news said widespread power outages that may be lengthy.


No power, no water.  Taking precautions just in case the weather people are accurate (for a change).

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

@gidgetgh @grandma2pkmh - will be thinking of you both and wishing that you get through the storm safely.💗

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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

Waving from N AL.  Supposed to get kinda stormy here too and then clear out by morning, but the schools are delaying 2-3 hours anyways.

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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

@Marp - hope you get through the storm safely.💗

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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

I'm in North GA also. Just got through getting everything off the front porch and back patio. Expecting high winds and lots of rain here. Hope everyone is ok in the path of this storm. Who would have thought that almost the very end of October and a tropical stom is headed our way? We left the coast, Wilmington Island Ga in 2018 to escape hurricanes. 

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Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

Egads ladies. I understand your fears and worries. Been there, done that and probably will go through it again. Here's hoping and praying the storm isn't all they are cracking it up to be and you both, and everyone else in it's path skates through with no outages and no damages. Please update tomorrow and let us know how you made out.

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Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Re: Expecting severe weather overnight

Thinking of all of you in the path of the storm ❤️