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On 3/26/2015 bikerbabe said:

Some are born evil.

Some learn evil behaviors from others.

Some have a brain that short circuits and they do awful things.

There is no single answer.

Exactly in spite of what some may think, that it comes from rigid belief systems.

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010
On 3/26/2015 SuiGeneris said:
On 3/26/2015 Silver Lining said:
On 3/26/2015 kittymomNC said:

<em>PURE EVIL......</em>


I also think there are different kinds and levels of evil, as <em>chickenbutt</em> said. Merriam-Webster's definition is: <em> morally reprehensible.</em>

But that doesn't describe the kind of evil I think was epitomized by those like Hitler, and now ISIS, etc. There has to be a different word that describes that kind of evil... I just don't know what it is right now.

I agree. Something like "depraved" would apply but even that doesn't fully cover it.


malevolent - having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

"the glint of dark, malevolent eyes"

synonyms: malicious, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, evil-intentioned, venomous, evil, malign, malignant, rancorous, vicious, vindictive, vengeful

Hitler was inspired by the American Indian genocide.

So... who was the real evil that helped create the evil named Hitler? Wink

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If anyone has an interest in social psychology and how "good" people become evil just through group think and peer pressure, look up the Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment and Stanley Milgram's Obedience Experiment. It will change your thoughts on human nature.

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On 3/26/2015 Pashmina said:
On 3/26/2015 bikerbabe said:

Some are born evil.

Some learn evil behaviors from others.

Some have a brain that short circuits and they do awful things.

There is no single answer.

Exactly in spite of what some may think, that it comes from rigid belief systems.

It sounds like I hit a nerve Pashmina. Don't know why you are so adamant.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

A total disregard for the existence or feelings of other beings.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

And when bad things happen . . . more often than not

you hear friends




all say he/she seemed so normal . . .

or he/she seemed like a such a nice person

rarely do you hear them on the news being interviewed

that he/she was a monster

and they just knew one of these days they were going to do something awful or evil

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On 3/26/2015 Pashmina said:
On 3/26/2015 bikerbabe said:

Some are born evil.

Some learn evil behaviors from others.

Some have a brain that short circuits and they do awful things.

There is no single answer.

Exactly in spite of what some may think, that it comes from rigid belief systems.

It seems that you are negating your own comment " Evil comes in different forms, from all walks of life." If it comes in different forms, from all walks of life, that doesn't leave out rigid belief systems. You agree with bikerbabe, who said "some learn evil behaviors from others". That is what sometimes precipitates "rigid belief systems".

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I think Phil Robertson's anti-atheist speech is pretty evil.

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Registered: ‎09-22-2014
On 3/26/2015 Pashmina said:
On 3/26/2015 bikerbabe said:

Some are born evil.

Some learn evil behaviors from others.

Some have a brain that short circuits and they do awful things.

There is no single answer.

Exactly in spite of what some may think, that it comes from rigid belief systems.

Let me give you a good example of rigid belief systems and evil:

Islamic extremists aka Isis

Regular Contributor
Posts: 153
Registered: ‎03-17-2015
On 3/26/2015 kittymomNC said:
On 3/26/2015 Pashmina said:
On 3/26/2015 bikerbabe said:

Some are born evil.

Some learn evil behaviors from others.

Some have a brain that short circuits and they do awful things.

There is no single answer.

Exactly in spite of what some may think, that it comes from rigid belief systems.

It seems that you are negating your own comment "Evil comes in different forms, from all walks of life."If it comes in different forms, from all walks of life, that doesn't leave out rigid belief systems. You agree with bikerbabe, who said "some learn evil behaviors from others". That is what sometimes precipitates "rigid belief systems".

That is not what the other poster said. She spoke as if that is where all evil comes from, not sometimes.