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I didn't want to derail the other thread about the pilot deliberately crashing the plane killing innocent people so I thought I'd start a thread.

What is your definition of evil? Do you believe it exists? Is evil nothing more than mental illness?

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Evil most surely exists. The definition...the absence of goodness.

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Vlad the Impaler was a prince known for executing his enemies by impalement. He was a fan of various forms of torture including disemboweling and rectal and facial impalement. Vlad the Impaler tortured thousands while he ate and drunk among the corpses. He impaled every person in the city of Amlas -- 20,000 men, women and children. Vlad often ordered people to be skinned, boiled, decapitated, blinded, strangled, hanged, burned, roasted, hac ked, nailed, buried alive, stabbed, etc. He also liked to cut off noses, ears, sexual organs and limbs. But his favorite method was impalement on stakes, hence the surname "Tepes" which means "The Impaler" in the Romanian language. It is this technique he used in 1457, 1459 and 1460 against Transylvanian merchants who had ignored his trade laws. He also looked upon the poor, vagrants and beggars as thieves. Consequently, he invited all the poor and sick of Wallachia to his princely court in Tirgoviste for a great feast. After the guests ate and drank, Dracula ordered the hall boarded up and set on fire. No one survived.

Pol Pot - Pol Pot (born in 1925 in the Kompong Thom province of Cambodia) was the Khmer political leader whose totalitarian regime (1975-79) imposed severe hardships on the people of Cambodia. His radical communist government forced the mass evacuations of cities, killed or displaced millions of people, and left a legacy of disease and starvation. Under his leadership, his government caused the deaths of at least one million people from forced labor, starvation, disease, torture, or execution.

Mao Tse-tung - who killed somewhere between 20 and 67 million (estimates vary) of his countrymen, including the elderly and intellectuals. His picture still hangs throughout many homes and businesses. Mao's own personality cult, encouraged so as to provide momentum to the movement, assumed religious proportions. The resulting anarchy, terror, and paralysis completely disrupted the urban economy. Industrial production for 1968 dipped 12 percent below that of 1966. In short, the Revolution led to the destruction of much of China's cultural heritage and the imprisonment of a huge number of Chinese intellectuals, amongst other social chaos. This policy is usually regarded as a complete disaster.

Idi Amin - Idi Amin Dada Oumee (born in 1924 in Uganda) was the military officer and president (1971-79) of Uganda. Amin also took tribalism, a long- standing problem in Uganda, to its extreme by allegedly ordering the persecution of Acholi, Lango, and other tribes. Reports indicate torture and murder of 100,000 to 300,000 Ugandans during Amin's presidency. In 1972, he began to expel Asians from Uganda. God, he said, had directed him to do this. (Acutally, he had been angered by the refusal of one of the country's most prominent Asian families, the Madhvanis, to hand over their prettiest daughter as his fifth wife.) Over the years, Ugandans would disappear in the thousands, their mutilated bodies washing up on the shores of Lake Victoria. Amin would boast of being a "reluctant" cannibal - human flesh, he said, was too salty. He once ordered that the decapitation of political prisoners be broadcast on TV, specifying that the victims "must wear white to make it easy to see the blood". One of Amin's guards, Abraham Sule, said: "[Amin] put his bayonet in the pot containing human blood and licked the stuff as it ran down the bayonet. Amin told us: 'When you lick the blood of your victim, you will not see nightmares.' He then did it."</</p>

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A Co-Pilot murdering his passengers is definitely evil.

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The Taliban beheading people is definitely EVIL at it's worst!!

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Pa-lease! It wasn't the pilot!!! It was the co-pilot for heaven't sake!!!

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Evil is just all around bad. There's too much evil and meanness in this world.

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I'm sure there are plenty of definitions that people use.

I notice that the majority (I'm NOT saying 'all' - but definitely the majority) of the christians I encounter, both online and off, use the word for anybody who isn't exactly like them.

I've been called evil (for being a godless heathen) and my gay friends have been called evil (for being gay) and it's always stated EXACTLY like this - 'you are/they are evil and going to heII'.

I'm not evil and none of my gay friends are evil either. But I guess it's the rhetoric that's taught. I'm not saying this because I've heard it one or two times. I'm saying it because I've heard it COUNTLESS times.

So, needless to say, I don't put a lot of stock in hearing people use the word 'evil'. So I don't know if 'evil' is by intent or by nature or what. I think it's massively subjective.

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chickenbutt, I'd never, ever call you evil for any reason or any gay person evil.. everyone should have their own beliefs and be happy.... Dam that makes me mad for you & your friends.

I know an real evil person but he was only that way when he drank.. he could be pure mean & evil in the worse sort of way.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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On 3/26/2015 Suziepeach said:

chickenbutt, I'd never, ever call you evil for any reason or any gay person evil.. everyone should have their own beliefs and be happy.... Dam that makes me mad for you & your friends.

I know an real evil person but he was only that way when he drank.. he could be pure mean & evil in the worse sort of way.

Thank You for saying that, Suzie! I know that it's not ALL, for sure. But I'm amazed at how many people really do think that way. It's because they are told what to believe, how to think, and what to say. That I find sad. Just because somebody isn't religious, or is gay, that's a pretty big label to put on them.

I just wish more people would do their own analytical thinking based on facts and reality. Smiley Happy