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On 3/31/2015 SuiGeneris said:


If you ever have the opportunity, I would recommend attending a stage performance of The Screwtape Letters. My late husband and I attended such a performance at a local university, approximately five years ago. It was excellent!

Here's a youtube link to a small portion of the performance:

Max Mclean is the star [Uncle Screwtape] and the only speaker in the show.

Wikipedia: McLean conceived, adapted, produced and starred in The Screwtape Letters, a play based on the book by Oxford scholar, author and fantasy writer C.S. Lewis. McLean also is the narrator of The Listener’s Bible.

My husband and I bought our son The Listener's Bible, narrated by Max McLean, when he was going to seminary. He listened to the CD's every day on his hour-long drive to school. He loved listening to Max McLean's booming voice.

I finally had a few minutes to watch, SuiGeneres. I would love to see the entire play sometime. Max Mclean is an outstanding orator.

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I've read Screwtape Letters and now a friend is reading. An interesting perspective. Light v Darkness -- Good v Evil -- yes, most all religions believe in these forces. I also believe in free will.

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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I didn't realize this thread I started months ago was still here until I just looked at my history.


This was a very interesting discussion, thank you.

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Evil is hard.

"      is cold.

"       lacks goodness.

"       knows no shame.

"       lacks sorrow.

"       strips people of their hope.

"       steals faith, hope, and love. 



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Registered: ‎06-16-2015

It's an over used catch all term that people like to attach to anything or anyone they don't approve of, agree with, or tolerate. It is used so often that it no longer has any true meaning.