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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Orangutan sez - Chlo Chlo whacha doing gurl?


Chloe - kitz getz gushy fudz en.wantz milk to wash it down

             Ai so ova dis


Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 12.58.18 PM.png

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

At last Mason gets kittens - so happy for them and us who get to watch it all!  Smiley Very Happy


Mason is so tolerant, lets the kittens sniff him, Nakia seems to be curious about him and if he has a milkbar!


I know Mason is secretly happy about his new batch of little darlings, but the look on his his face is like oh boy, another bunch of hooligans to train.  Little does he know there are more to come.....

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

ai es BREX - ai neva skeer


Grandpaw es soff en comphy


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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Huggins - Nakia comez here - ai skeer

Nakia - ai es coming - BRex es deer


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Nakia - ai hear - moov ova

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wee awl sleepies


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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

Shelley - let me micro manage and bring in last kitten Ribsy who is hiding under castle


Grandpaw - not so fast missy - punched Shelly as she place kitten


you can see the blur movement of Shelley's hand and Grandpaw's paw


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all snuggly together

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Huggins is so funny - hangs out any o way sleeping

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]



guess who gets kissies and hug from Grandpaw -


of course it is B Rex - she turns to him and he pulled her in

all together now - awwww!


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but BRex wasn't having it - after a bit she squirmed out but Grandpaw still wanted to snuggle - raised a paw and then left the next - awww

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

BRex - Grand[aw knot lik momma - no nonsensez


Huggins played with his tail and Grandpaw is cranky and whap BRex even though she was an innocent bystander this time


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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@Yahooey  I saw one of the kittens playing with Grandpa's tail as he was leaving and he then turning around and smacking BRex.   I am not sure if he is the same old playful Mason we all love.  Time will tell.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams




@Yahooey@CLEM.....Adorable!!!!!....I've been missing all of the cuteness but I checked in tonight and went back in the timeline, so was able to catch some of it!


I also saw where Shelly gave Chloe some fluids....I'm really worried about her and anxious for her medical issues to be addressed.


Are most of the kittens eating the soft food on a regular basis now?









~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams



that was why I said he was cranky - the kitten tocuhed his tail - 

the tail was not whap or bitten and he turned around real quick and smacked BRex.


BRex didn't seem traumatized- but I kionda jumped - he usually has a lot more done to him before he reacts with a paw - idk but as you said - time will tell


He also was very gentle with her as he snuggle3d - maybe he wanted to nap more and was annoyed - I sure hope Mason is still loving toward add'l kittens in a week or so