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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

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Hoomin trying to construct a 1 bedroom from a studio apt. Kits had a good time jumping over the low bearing walls.


Corsica wants her own private space with a kit proof door.


Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 4.34.17 PM.png


ai likez two see outisdz wals

Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 4.38.38 PM.png



wall is almost done and you can see the expression on mommah - I'm so ovah dis

Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 4.42.43 PM.png

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@Yahooey wrote:

I saw this posted on Yahoo's home page. I saw the pic and knew it was Mason


Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 1.54.25 PM.png

Sweet.  So glad the story was picked up by a national source. Just in case anyone missed the video or just wants to see it again this is Mason's story at

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

The kits no longer look for mommah when Shelly comes in. Shelly holds Fab upside down and no more cries of woe. Flo or Moo taps Shelly's leg.


Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 2.43.30 PM.png

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams







I have peeked in on the kittens and seen the wild antics.  So cute and funny. 


Evolene is so pretty, but I think she is on the VIP cam.  I know she is back at TK HQ


There is a new video of Grandpa Mason on Tinykittens Cat Pack with two of the kits wrestling in the bed while he just watches.  So patient and loving!  Cannot imagine how that happened.  I never had an adult cat that wanted anything to do with kittens.


He really seems to love those little guys.


I don't know how Shelly can ever let any of them go.  That's why I could never foster!

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Hi @Witchy Woman - I'm so glad you stopped by. Did you see the video of Mason trying to sleep on the round pillow and with 2 kittens by his tummy. As they started with whappy paws, Mason had to lift his hind leg and kept it up in the air as the 2 wrestled and needed more room to move. 


I for one cannot keep my leg up for that long. I haven't tried but I'm sure my leg would be shaking from being tired lol. I thought he would give them a nudge to go outside of his sleeping area. Nope, he was loving and patient. Perhpas when Mason met them for the first time, there was apphrension all around. I think Hatch puffed up but froze in his position. 


I think they look forward to these visits now. I take it that Mason don't care for the teens or the face bitin' miracle kitten Puffs. I know Corsica is fine that the kits are out of her hair and milk bar. Peace and quiet.


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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

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I am amazed and delighted that Mason tolerates those little hooligans!  Years ago, with my FIRST kitty, I decided he needed a "friend" and brought home an adorable kitten.  Alistair must have been less than a year old -- well, he hated her from the beginning.  Period.


So, watching this big wildcat snuggle with the kits is fascinating.  He must have a gentle soul and I'm sorry that he wasn't brought in sooner.  Shelly never says how long he might have, but with kidney failure, it cannot be very long.


Maybe he will surprise us all and stay around to watch the kittens grow!



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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Found the video of Mason holding his leg up so those little hooligans could have their wrestling match - how sweet!  He is so tolerant, it's amazing.  I'm so glad they came into his life and hope he lives a long while yet to be their grandpa.  A "symbiotic" relationship for sure.  Heart


They are getting so big they are crowding Mason out of his own bed, not that he seems to even mind.  And the milk bar does only fit a few at a time anymore, lol!


Shelly took Corsi, or should I say dragged, her out of the castle to give her a dose of anti flea stuff and she was pretty good on her lap.  Wanted to get away, but didn't hiss or growl or bite.  I hope she can get adopted out.


I was going to donate again and noticed there is a VIP membership available - do any of you have this and do you think it is worth it?  Well, I should rephrase that , because a donation is always worth it for them, but do you enjoy the extras?


Watching Shelly give the meds today to all 6 of them you realized just how much cost must be involved.  I love it that they take such good care of these cats and kittens - no short cuts for Tiny Kittens.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@HerRoyaLioness, the VIP membership is a subscription service; when it started you could pay monthly or for a "litter".  I don't know if there has been any changes.


I think the biggest advantage is different camera angles but there are times when different cats are the focus.  For example right now it could be set up for Evo to be on VIP while Corsica and kits are on the "public" camera.


The monthly subscription does give Shelly a dependable source of income but many on the public cam have also set up monthly donations and others donate what they can when they can.


It is really a personal decision.  I will say that a lot of the people that originally signed up for VIP had been watching Shelly from the first litter and had formed bonds with each other.  That sometimes led to newcomers to the public cam feeling left out.


For some reason Shelly no longer publishes information about costs; that may have something to do with regulations to keep her 501(c)3 as a recognized charity.


You might find this interesting though.  Some of these cases were ferals and others are from when Shelly was fostering.  Also, keep in mind that even now a lot of costs and services are donated, especially by Mountainview so the totals are not 100% of the costs.


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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@Marp - thank you for the info.  The annual subscription is $125, monthly is $14.  I guess I could try the monthly and see how it goes.


The cam seems to be down right now, I guess they had some storms.  I need my daily fix so I hope it gets back up soon!

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

@Marp@Yahooey@CLEM@HerRoyaLioness@dooBdoo@Witchy Woman....



Waving To Everyone!


It's good to be back!... I've been "out of the loop" and "disconnected" for a while....Lots has been going on...We had some renovations going on at our house and I was also out of State to be with a very close relative who went through emergency surgery....He came through great and is doing very well....I'm settled back home now and trying to catch up with all of you.


I checked in with Corsica and her kittens and went back in the timeline....I see that their room has been expanded and they have become very adorably active now, while Mama Corsica looks over them so proudly...When watching the ferals with their kittens, it always goes through my mind that this is the first time that they have been able to fully nurture and enjoy their precious kittens in safety and security and watch them grow and play....It never fails to totally melt my heart!


I also saw it posted where Evolene is back at TKHQ....Can someone tell me why she was returned?....She was doing so well at Kimsies, in a natural home environment, and bonded so sweetly with Bobo, one of Kimsies' cats....It was wonderful to see her thriving and so happy!..It is sad for me to think of her back in a room all alone...Has Shelly showed her on cam at all?



@Witchy Woman...So good to see your post!



ETA:...Oh my gosh, I just found the video that you all mentioned about Grandpa Mason lifting one of his hind legs to make room while two of the kittens played in his bed....just so precious to see the acceptance and loving bond between theml! Heart



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~