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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

I'm really behind on tiny kittens saga. Didn't know there wer 2 more that stopped at the inn.


I just saw Shelley with Cassidy and he really getting around without any wheels or splints. Lots of chatters speculating on the racing stripe going down his back and whether it will return to black.


Tip's crew are getting so big. Saw them playing with Shelley last night and the thumps made as they landed were loud and clear. Get that feather was a group effort. lol

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Though he fought as hard as any kitten could, Haze was overcome by infection and parasites and went to the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon, to be with Rain and Sunny. RIP Haze 10-27-15.



Haze RIP.jpg

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

That was heartbreaking to read betteb.  Had such hope that he would make it.


I wish there were some way to publicize how antibiotics in farming have made these little ones so susceptible to antibiotic resistant infections.  Of course that can't be done without possibly upsetting the PO which would be even more of a disaster.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@Marp...LOL...Oh, yes, most definitely, Cassidy is in total control of Shelly & House doubt about it! Heart


Yes, when I went back in the timeline for Mr. T and Pinecone, I saw when they were first brought in and it was so precious how Mr. T was right on top of Pinecone in the back of the carrier!...In checking them out tonight and going back in the timeline, it looks like they are adapting quite well...Mr. T is much more timid and cautious, but they both are so quiet and such lover boys...very handsome guys and definitely very bonded with each other!...They are adorable together!


@betteb...That is so sad about Nova's litter!...I really hope that they are able to trap Nova before she becomes pregnant again...From reading the "chatters", she is very skittish and it is a challenge for them to trap her.


@Yahooey...It is definitely hard to keep up with all that goes on!...From one day to the next, we never know what we will find when we check into "tiny kitttens"...It is really wonderful to be able to witness all that is being done and worth all of the emotions involved...When I watch Shelly, it is so obvious that she has definitely recognized her calling and is living her dream!...This is where she was meant to be and she is so fortunate to be able to have the means to do so, with the help and support of so many other dedicated and compassionate volunteers!




~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

TeTe and Piney when they were brought to TKHQ

MrT and Piney.png


Later that night with Shelly

MrT and Piney w Shelly.png

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]


It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams



Nat Cat Day.jpg

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@betteb wrote:

@MyShadowLove@Marp@Yahooey@Topaz Gem@Adelina@dooBdoo@, @felinegroovy, @GingerPeach@NoelSeven@Moonchilde@MyGirlsMom@SHIRAZ@dulwich@minkbunny.


I hope I got all the catlovers I know there


OMGosh, this is must see Kitten Cam TV. Shelly put a onesie on Tip to prevent nursing. It did not go well. I did not know whether to feel bad for poor Tip or laugh, so I did both!

That did it for me for tk. Not so much Shelly - what was she to know. But the hoots and laughter and the repeated watching of this video of poor Tip just turned me off. The fact that her adopter thought it was funny as well - as TIp threw herself against walls etc.... I cannot watch this any more. I know Shelly means well, but I think there is way too much fly-by-night going on. They need more expertise here all around. I mean this for Mr T and Pinecone as well.  I think too much "celebrity" stuff is getting in the way. 


Please read The Circle.  


I don't think I can ever go back to viewing tinyitten. For all we know Tip was reacting to what she was subjected to when in a "home'.  I HATE that people found this funny. 


I won't be back here either. If people find a frightened cat who has been a super mother and gentle as can be to be a laughing thing, well, I m out. She needs a peaceful place and I am so sorry she is going to an owner who finds this funny.  I would steal her away if I could.


I am out and gone. This was the final straw. Shelly may mean well, but she is out of her league.

I Discovered That I Can Be Myself Without the Sky Falling In
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@betteb wrote:

@MyShadowLove@Marp@Yahooey@Topaz Gem@Adelina@dooBdoo@, @felinegroovy, @GingerPeach@NoelSeven@Moonchilde@MyGirlsMom@SHIRAZ@dulwich@minkbunny.


I hope I got all the catlovers I know there


OMGosh, this is must see Kitten Cam TV. Shelly put a onesie on Tip to prevent nursing. It did not go well. I did not know whether to feel bad for poor Tip or laugh, so I did both!

Hi @betteb.  I am now officially exiting these cams. I am sick to heart that chatters thought this was so funny that they said they watched it 7 or more times.  Tip was truly frightened. God knows what she suffered when she was "owned" or afterwards. She threw herself against the walls. I felt so bad for her.  I could tell Shelly felt bad also. NO SHE DID NOT WANT TO LAUGH. 

I was sick at heart to see that her "Mr Hollywood" adopter thought it was a hoot too!


I can no longer watch tinykittens. While I d believe Shelly is doing her best, I think this social media circus is pathetic.  


I am out of that and out of here too. No more chat rooms for me. I prefer dealing with LIFE>

I Discovered That I Can Be Myself Without the Sky Falling In
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

@Adelina...I just wanted to acknowledge your post and let you know that I understand your feelings completely and really respect your honesty in expressing them to us!...I have gone through many mixed emotions myself, since discovering "tiny kittens" about 5 months ago, and also have my own personal opinions and feelings and have struggled with how some things are handled, as well as certain reactions by some of the "chatters" and how they also try to control the opinons of others if they don't agree with how everything is handled, so you are not alone in your feelings...You made some very interesting observations which I have found myself questioning also.


It is definitely a very sensitive and emotional journey for all of us and we all have our own personal sensitivity thresholds and opinions when it comes to these precious animals and the rescue efforts involved.


I've enjoyed sharing with all of the great posters on this thread, so you will be missed!





~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~