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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@Pearlee wrote:

She doesn't deserve that much but I sure hope she gets it....and then leaves DWTS.

@Pearlee .... she probably will get a reduced amount which she deserves BUT, why should she leave DWTS?

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

I'm in the hospitality business.  The Mariott did a lot of things wrong.  They're supposed to protect the privacy of their guests...maybe even more so, when that guest is a celebrity.

However, $75 million is an overblown amount.  I'm sure it will be negotiated down quite a bit.

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@SydneyH wrote:

Thank you.  She's still working but needs $75 million?  Gimme a break, lol.

I don't think it's about what she needs.  It's about what she's owed, due to the hotel's negligence in protecting her privacy.

I have no doubt that they're guilty, and they'll be paying her some amount.  Maybe not $75 million, but I'll bet it will be in the 7 figure range.

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

Even if she wins, (which I hope that she does) Marriott will appeal it.


It will be years before she sees a dime of any monies that she is awarded.

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@ritasNo1Fan wrote:

Marriott did not film this woman.  A stalker filmed this woman.  $0.00 to Andrews from Marriott.  

OMG!!! .... are you for real?

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@Sooner wrote:

The lawyers would get 74.5 million anyway.

@Sooner .... not true .... most lawyers get one third !!

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@Jackaranda wrote:

Why should the Marriott pay? He asked to have a room next to her (his words) and they honored that request. We get rooms next to each other all the time. The creep is the only one responsible. I definitely feel bad for her and I know she suffered but the hotel did nothing wrong. I am glad they didn't settle and went to court.

Uh .....    He's a STALKER and they didn't follow their own security protocols to protect her.   That's why.    

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@hopi wrote:

@Lila Belle wrote:
Millions and millions of people saw her naked due to the negligence of Marriot

Millions of people saw her naked because of youtube

@hopi .... look at it this way ... millions of people saw her naked because of the lack of security at the Marriott  ... yes, the SOB that took the video was to blame BUT, he never would have able to take the video if the Marriott had better security .. how would you feel if it was you or your daughter!!!!

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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@January121 wrote:

@Jackaranda wrote:

Marriott could of settled. They didn't. They are taking a stand. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.....

@Nancy Drew .... thank God you are not on the jury!!!!!


oh jeez, get a grip....

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Erin Andrews wants 75 million from the Marriot!!!!!

@KALLIE wrote:

@Graydoxiechick wrote:

how was the hotel suppose to know he was a stalker? It was only the creeps fault.

It wouldn't. Suing for 75 million is RIDICULOUS!

Why is it ridiculous?   Haven't you ever heard of punitive damages?


Anyone can sue for any amount ..... it'll be interesting to see what the JURY thinks.