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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

I think the problem is not people who need a companion pet for emotional/psychological issues. It's people who take advantage of the situation by pretending to need one.

What about therapy dogs? A couple of times I've had college students who bring a dog to class with them or when they are taking tests, just for this reason.

We have a group that brings dogs too school so that kids who are having trouble with reading can read to them.

It's all the same thing. The dog helps keep them calm. The dogs are all super sweet and well trained and you hardly know they are there.

What I object to are people who will pretend to need this when they don't. And that becomes the big problem.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

No one is showing any disdain for those who NEED a service dog and who legitimately have a properly trained one. however, there are many , many of these so called fake , over the internet gear dogs out there taking advantage. And those , I'm sure are the ones you see taking the dog into the grocery store and restaurants etc. where they are not allowed.

If I were allergic to dogs and I was sitting in a restaurant eating and someone came in with one of these dogs, and the restaurant allowed it - i would be very upset. Or if the dog was misbehaved, as true service dogs are very well trained.

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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

As I would have no way of knowing who truly needed a service dog or therapy dog, I will just say a prayer of gratitude that I do not and wish them well should I see them out in public.

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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

True service dogs are always well behaved. I see many of them every time DH and I are at the VA hospital. Beautiful animals.
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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

On 6/14/2014 Free2be said:

We have other social problems:

Lack of compassion. There is treatment for that.

And more urgently, a need for understanding of mental disorders which would cause a shift back to taking early treatment and ongoing treatment very seriously.

Really, we have bigger fish to fry than this disdain for individual situations that we don't know the particulars and it's none of our business to know them. This attitude is like picking on people for having a weakness that is not understood. A different kind of bullying. Just what they need. You could also tell them to get over it. That would work.

Are there people who have a LEGITIMATE need for a companion/service animal?


No one is saying that there isn't.

But also, you have to admit, that there ARE fakers out there.

People who LIE just so they can have Fido with them.

Now, am I saying that they are ALL like that?

NO! I'm not.

But there ARE people out there who ABUSE the system.

And THAT is a FACT.

(edited by yours truly)

Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

Why wouldn't training such as the Good Citizenship training be required if the dog will be out in the public? That isn't right. I'm an animal lover but to bring untrained dogs places where there are a lot of people and many children is dangerous.

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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

On 6/14/2014 Free2be said:

We have other social problems:

Lack of compassion. There is treatment for that.

And more urgently, a need for understanding of mental disorders which would cause a shift back to taking early treatment and ongoing treatment very seriously.

Really, we have bigger fish to fry than this disdain for individual situations that we don't know the particulars and it's none of our business to know them. This attitude is like picking on people for having a weakness that is not understood. A different kind of bullying. Just what they need. You could also tell them to get over it. That would work.

ITA, free.

Forgive the pun, but isn't a little "dog in the manger"-ish to be so annoyed and critical of people who use a service dog?

I worked in a career that taught me to be very skeptical of claims made by people. I am happy to say it did not jade me so much that I constantly see the negative in everything.

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Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

I would never question whether a person has a legit dog, needs a parking space, etc.

Life is too short and too precious to question other people's disabilities....I'm just glad I'm healthy!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

For whatever reason, this lyric comes to mind -- I guess thinking about how liars are everywhere around us. People lie to get what they want at about every level of life. At least in this case, a doctor's authorization has to start the ball rolling. Each state has their own laws so I guess you can call a cop if you have a problem being in the near vicinity of a comfort dog.

Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you.

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Posts: 9,212
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Emotional Support Service Dogs???

The problem is making assumptions and judgement about an individual in public when you do not know them or their situation.